[14] Uh Oh, Where's Josie

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Penelope POV

Hope leaves the room and I make my way back over to the brunette I'd been dancing with earlier. She's staring at me with wide eyes. She tilts her head and nods towards the doors that Hope just left through.

I nod. "She's fine." I try to clearly say the words since I know the girl can't hear me. Hopefully, she can read my lips. I don't even know her name since I don't understand a single thing in sign language. Fuck. She's really pretty and I can tell she's really nice just based on the way she treats people, and how she lets other people treat her. 

 I open my mouth to try and say something but I stop when I see Josie rush out of the room with a tear-stained face.

  I look back at the girl to see her staring at her too. "Sorry," I say while pointing at Josie and she just nods. She even shoos me towards Josie and I wave at her. Although before I leave, I grab her phone and quickly punch my number in. I text myself and then give it back to her. 

I make my way over to Lizzie with a dark expression. Once I make it to her I grab her wrist and drag her to a corner. "What did you say to Josie?" I ask forcefully. She twists her hand out of my grip with an angry expression. "Nothing." Her face calms and an innocent look takes over.

"Liar. Tell me." It's only 3 words but my voice is like ice and I think she gets the message. She sighs. "Ugh, whatever. I just told her that Hope only asked her out because she felt bad." "You-" I'm about to bitch slap her but I stop myself. It's her birthday and she is the popular girl so I can't do that. Plus I spot Hope looking around the room, confused.

I leave Lizzie and walk over to her. "Hey, have you seen Josie?" I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Lizzie told her that you asked her out because you felt bad and she ran out of the room crying." Hope freezes. "She... what?" Before I can do anything she spins around and runs out of the room and down the hallway. I don't follow her since I think it'd be better if they talk alone with no one to hear them.

So instead, I head over to Mg and start talking to him. He looked surprised that I was talking to him but after a few minutes we figured out that we both liked comics so we talked about our favorites.

+ + +

Hope POV

I sigh as I rush out of the great room to change my white dress. This shit was expensive and a drunk ruined it within 2 seconds. I quickly get to my room and change since I don't want to leave Josie alone too long and I want to spend as much time as I can with her. I find the dress Penelope was talking about. It was just a simple black dress that hugged my body and I also grabbed my mask before making my way to the ballroom.

I enter and I expect Josie to be right where I left her but she's not. Confused, I look around trying to find her but to no avail. But I do spot Penelope walking towards me. "Hey, have you seen Josie?" She sighs before pinching her nose. "Lizzie told her that you asked her out because you felt bad and she ran out of the room crying."

I stop moving as a thousand thoughts go through my head. A thousand things I could say to Linda but I refrain. "She... what?" That's all I can say due to the jumbled curse words in my mind. Penelope opens her mouth but I don't hear her as I rush back out bolt out of the room and down the hallway. I stop by the kitchens to think of where she could be.

I decide to check her room and when I get there I knock 3 times gently. I wait for an answer but she doesn't. But if she was in there, she wouldn't open so I just lean my forehead against the door waiting for her.

"Look, Josie. I'm sorry. At the time I asked you I did feel bad for you but after spending a few days with you, I think... look, a lot of people have died around me so I closed myself off. I don't let people in but I still have feelings which is why I asked you. I wanted you to be happy so I asked you out. I just didn't feel anything towards you at that time but now..." "I... I think I feel something," my voice is a low whisper and I'm sure if she's in there, she doesn't hear me.

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