[30] Bright Blue

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A/N: I'm posting this right now since I have something to do tomorrow and won't have a chance to post. So this is the post for this week.

Clarke POV

   As expected, I watch the tribrid and the siphoner as they rush off towards their school. Hm, I had a hunch that Quinn would betray us. Of course, she would. She's spent so much time in the company of the students that it would be impossible for her to kill them in cold blood. From the moment that I told her my father's orders, something in her shifted and I felt it. She hid it well, externally. But internally, she didn't cover any of that at all. My father bestowed my body with gifts such as being able to sense the energy in someone's body. So it wasn't hard for me to sense the change in her energy.

  When I realized that she was going to tell her friends, I made no move to stop her. Hell, I'd even help her if I wasn't so afraid of my father. 

   I've killed hundreds but they had done something to offend me. But... something about killing these kids just because they're actually a threat to my father is offputting. Especially if they're the ones that can end my misery by stopping my father. So I'll help her.

   I make my way to the school, slinking through the shadows and keeping a low profile. I pass by couples and groups of friends as they laugh without a care in the world. Huh, if only they knew the horrors that go on in their very own town. They're so blissfully ignorant that they miss the signs that would blatantly tell them that something in their town is not right. But it's none of my business if they want to be like that. 

  Although, a small part of me wishes that I could be like that. Living a regular life with a kind wife and a nice house to settle in. Mystic Falls may have a lot of "animal attacks," but the scenery is nice and it's far away from cities. It's an ideal place to start a family.

  I shake my head clear of useless thoughts and I lower my head as I walk up the meandered road. Trees trail up the sides of the road along with vibrant green grass and a plethora of flowers.

   Damn, they must have a really good gardener if their plants are like this. I wonder if they have a garden and if they do, is it pretty? 

  My mind wanders thoughtlessly and when I finally make it to the top, I walk up the porch and stop right in front of the front door. It's closed so I do the only sensible thing to do.

  I knock.

+    +     +

Hope POV

   Josie and I make it back to the school as quickly as possible which as it seems, is quite fast. We burst through the front doors earning some strange glances from other students but we ignore them, choosing to run for my room instead. When we make it, the door's open, and I see Penelope and Quinn standing a foot away from each other.

   Penelope's looking at Quinn with an unreadable expression while guilt radiates off of Quinn. When Penelope sees us, she turns towards us and says, "Close the door." Josie nods and does it as I cross my arms over my chest.

    "What's this about Penelope? I thought the school was being attacked." 

   She gives me a look. "Why? I said that I needed to tell you something, not that the school was being attacked." She looks back at Quinn. "Although, that might change."

   "What do you mean?" Penelope just shrugs at Josie's question and points to Quinn. "She'll tell you." "Just tell me, Penelope. I can't understand sign language." She just shakes her head though before jerking it at Quinn. "Speak." I turn towards Quinn. What does Penelope want her to do? She's deaf, I don't think I've ever heard her speak before probably because of that. 

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