[10] Words Can't End It

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Hope POV

  "What the-" "fuck?" Penelope finished my sentence. "So are you single?" Jo asks and everyone turns to stare at her. "Are we... just gonna ignore that?" I ask. "Well, no. We can just give him the knife, right?" Alaric speculates. 

   I look at him like he's crazy. "An unknown person just asked for a knife which if you don't remember, a dragon asked for as well." "Shouldn't be too hard for you to remember since I remember a lot of things you said, vividly," Penelope says as she glares at Alarice, who in turn, glares back. "Guys, calm down. We don't know what they want the knife for, and as much as I want her to stay, there's no way we can give the knife," Josie says with a conflicted expression. "Sorry." She gives Jo an apologetic look.

   The woman is looking around with wide eyes and she points at no one in particular. "I'm sorry, did I miss something?" "The great necromancer," I quote the air, "is offering to give you over permanently if we hand over the knife," I say with no tact. "When did this happen?" I stare at her with my brow raised.

   "You didn't hear... the loud booming voice?" Josie asks slowly. "Well of course she didn't. The necromancer brought her back meaning that he can control her. He probably used Jo as an outlet to even get his voice into this room. Therefore, Jo wouldn't remember anything during the time he inhabits her body." Everyone stares at Penelope with wide eyes. 

   She shrugs. "What? My aunt taught me a lot about magic." "Right," Alaric says bitterly and I glare at him. "Okay, so we just use a locator spell and then we kill him," I say happily. "When he dies, Jo will be able to stay for good and everything is great!" But of course, Alaric has to kill my buzz.

     "No way. You are not even getting near him. He's dangerous." I roll my eyes. "I don't need you protecting me. I can take care of myself, plus I have Penelope and that's all I need." I feel Penelope's hand slip into mine and I grip it gratefully. "Thanks," she whispers in my ear. "That thing is a master manipulator!" "And how do you know? You don't even know what he looks like," I shoot back. He points at Jo. "He resurrected my dead fiancee and asked for the knife in return for her permanent return. I'm pretty sure he fits the requirements." His face is getting red and his voice is getting gradually louder.

   Great. He's probably gonna yell at me. "If he can do that, let's just talk about the ways in which he could torment you, starting with your dead mother, ending with your dead father, and how about all the ghosts of all the people you that you killed in between, huh?" 

    My hand snaps up and he flies across the room. "Hope!" Josie yells but I ignore her. It's like everything I've been keeping inside is pouring out at an unstoppable pace. "You really need to stop yelling at me. I'm not your child, and you're not my father. You don't get to yell at me like a disappointed dad because you are not my FATHER!" The room starts shaking and I can feel my power getting away from me. "Hope," Penelope says quietly and she grips my hand tighter. It's not much, but it's enough for me to reign it in. 

   He stands up and wipes his pants."Oh, I know. I wouldn't want to be your father. He was a horrible man with no conscience and was horribly obsessed with killing people. I. Don't. Want. To. Be. Him." 

   "Good, cause you'll never be even a fraction of the man he was. He was a great father while you don't deserve to be called one." A collective gasp goes around the room and I feel Penelope pull me back. "Stop, don't do this in front of Josie." I pause for a moment. "Hope, what do you mean he doesn't get to be called a father?" Josie asks quietly. "Hope," Alaric warns and I don't even think he knows what I know.

   I point at his desk. "Look at the bottom chore and tell me what you find." I drop my hand as Alaric makes a move to stop Josie. "Stop," Penelope says as she restrains Alaric with a spell. "Girls, I'm sure we can resolve this with words," Jo tries to defuse the situation but I'm past that. "Words started this, but words can't end it," Penelope says. "It's what our family does. When someone disrespects our family, it never goes well for them." Jo just stares at Penelope and I.

   Josie makes a noise and everyone looks back at her. We watch as she shakily pulls out bottle after bottle of whiskey. "Hmm, I don't know but I'm pretty sure, a good father, isn't an alcoholic." He just stares at Josie with a pained expression while Josie looks back with a disappointed face. I can't tell what's worse, having Josie be angry at you, or her being disappointed in you. Definitely the latter. 

   "I'm trying to quit." "Trying isn't enough, dad. You promised us you quit. You promised us you'd never have another sip, you promised that you wouldn't even touch alcohol, you... promised." She stares at her father with a face of pure sadness before it hardens and she says. "You lied." Alaric opens his mouth but before he can get a word in, she storms out of the room. "I better go check on her," Jo says and no one makes a move to stop her. She quickly slips out of the room leaving only Alaric, Penelope, and I in the room.

 "Before you talk shit about my father, how about you fucking pull yourself together. For Josie's sake." My glare softens as I see a tear splash on the ground but my moment of pity quickly ends as I remember every word he's said to me. I walk out with Penelope trailing behind me.   

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is really short. Something came up and it was an emergency. I'll be taking a 2 week break to pull my shit together and fix my personal problems before I continue writing. Thank you. See you in 2 weeks. Sorry, again.

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