[05] Ah, Hangovers

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So this will be a Hosie fanfic. The people have voted for Hosie.(meaning like 8 people.) This won't be a Phosie fanfic. Anyways, enjoy...

Josie POV

    I wake up with a pounding headache. The sun's too bright and I feel sick. I cover my eyes with my hand and I take a deep breath. "Morning." I pause mid-exhale and uncover my eyes to see Penelope smirking at me. Pain shoots through my skull and I groan as I hold my head. "Ah, hangovers," Penelope says. She whistles and the sound sends throbs up my spine and into my brain.  I look up. She throws a bottle of water at me and I think I'm delayed because I bring my hand up to catch it but I'm too late and it hits me in the face.

      My head recoils back at the impact and I fall backward onto my pillow. Penelope's cracking up and I sit up with an angry expression. "Stop laughing," I say. She stops but the smirk never leaves her face. I open the water bottle and I gulp the liquid down. It slides down my throat and the cool liquid soothes my dry throat. I finish the water and I screw the lid back on as I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "Thanks." She nods, stands up, and crosses her arms over her chest. "You woke up in my bed, aren't you worried about what you did yesterday?"

    My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat. "Wh-what do you mean?" "Well, you were quite drunk when you were in my arms yesterday. You don't recall that?" Shit. What did I do yesterday? I rack my brain trying to remember but it's all hazy. I was in her arms? "What did I do?" I ask hesitantly. Her smirk gets wider as she taps her chin. "Hmm, well you told me how beautiful and sexy Hope and I are, and then you tried to dirty dance with me..." she tilts her head. "You also vomited all over my bathroom and all over me," she finishes. My jaw is open and I feel heat rise up my neck.

  "Umm... sorry?" She just shrugs. "It's fine. I'll take the compliment and you weren't too bad." She starts walking to the bathroom. "There's Advil on the table and more water bottles too," she points out as she disappears into the bathroom. I exhale deeply and the heat leaves my body. I take a look around and that's when I notice that I'm the only one awake. Lizzie is draped over Mg and her arms are in weird angles. Kaleb is snoring on the rug. Raf and Landon are piled on top of each other in the corner with Raf on the bottom. My eyes travel around the room and that's when it lands on Hope.

    I can't really make anything out so I decide to go over and check on her. I get out of bed and I stumble over my own feet. I throw my hands out to stabilize myself and I'm able to regain my balance. I take a deep breath and then focus all my energy on walking over to Hope without falling over. I make it over and I sit on the bed gently without waking her up. She's sleeping on her side with her back facing towards the wall. Her arms are splayed out in front of her and her hair is laid behind her. Her face is amicable and her facial features are relaxed. The skin underneath her eyes is puffy and her cheeks are sunk in. Her pale lips are dry and they twitch as if she was speaking to someone but no sound comes out. Her hair is tangled and she's intertwined with the sheets. Even with all of this, she's somehow still beautiful. 

    "You should take a picture," I jump slightly and turn around. Penelope's leaning against the bathroom doorframe. "It'll last longer and it's great blackmail material." I stand up hastily and move back over to where I woke up. "She looks so peaceful." "It's probably the only time that her mind is at peace, but even then sometimes dreams come for her," Penelope stares at Hope somberly. 

  She sits on the bed that I'm on. I think it's her bed. "You guys seem close, how did you meet?" She turns her gaze to me and something in her eyes makes me worry that I've overstepped a boundary. "Sorry if it's too personal you don't need to answer." Her lips tighten into a thin white line and I know she's not going to answer. "We should probably wake up the others. Your father might get suspicious." I nod. I don't comment about the topic switch or how her eyes have hardened. 

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