[11] I'm Sorry, What?

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I'm back bitches!

Hope POV

     My stomach boils as Penelope and I walk back to our room in silence. I sigh. "Okay, I'm sorry. I know you said not to do it in front of Josie but I just can't help myself." My quiet voice breaks the silence and Penelope doesn't say a word as we open the door to our room. 

   It's only when I close the door she speaks. "I know. I just don't want to see Josie get hurt." I nod and exhale deeply. "I know." "Which is why you need to tell her about your feelings. Before she falls too much." I nod again. "I agree and I may not love her but I do care for her and I don't want to see her get hurt." Penelope stares at me before her face softens. "Okay, whatever. We have class at 7 so we have time to kill." She lays on her bed. I lay down as well and close my eyes but my mind won't slow down.  "You remember when Josie's mom was talking about them being Gemini twins and their age. What do you think she was about to say?" I speak aloud not really meaning to but whatever. 

   "I don't know. But the look on her face wasn't good. I'll call Aunt Freya or Uncle Kol later tonight to check." "Alright." 

   I know I should feel tired but my body doesn't seem to agree. I open my eyes to look at the clock. It's currently 12:23 which means that the sun is out and the weather is perfect. An idea forms and I turn to look excitedly at Penelope. 

   "I can feel your excitement from here, it's like a little ray of sunshine has formed in our room." I roll my eyes. "You wanna go swimming?" Penelope opens her eyes and looks at me. "I didn't know they had a swimming pool." I smirk. "They don't. But, they have a lake." A smirk forms on her face. "I'll go but we have to invite Josie." "Deal."

+    +     + 

Josie POV

    I just lay on my bed unsure what to make of my day. My biological mom is alive and the necromancer has given us a deal, my father is drinking after he promised he would stop, and Hope and Penelope's father has been mentioned again. Can't forget that mom is here too. So both moms will be here, this day couldn't get any better. Am I right? Ugh, who am I kidding? Knowing my luck, this day is only going to get worse and worse. 

  My train of thought is broken when fire appears before my eyes and I cover my face with my arm. When I no longer feel the heat, I look around the room to see a scrap of paper on my bed. I gingerly pick it up and read it aloud. 

   "Hey, Jo. Hope and I are going to the lake for a swim, wanna come? If yes, we'll meet you at the lake." My eyes travel down to the little writing on the bottom and I read it. "P.S. this is not an attempt to have sex with you. Signed P." I roll my eyes at her tactics but I feel my face heat up nonetheless. 

    I smile and get up out of bed, glad of the provided distraction of my day. I quickly go to my closet and I pull my bikini out. I go to the bathroom and hastily strip off my clothes, folding them neatly in a pile. I slip into my two-piece and grab a towel. I touch the wall and I siphon a little of the school. I say a quick cloaking spell to cover my mark and I'm ready. I'm out of my room within 5 minutes and I make my way to the lake. I rush past the people in the hallway but they don't seem to notice as I walk past them.

   I make it out of the school and I walk down the winding path towards the lake. Nobody's out here since they're all probably in class. I make it to the lake and I see the two girls sitting on the dock. 

   The dock creaks as little waves crash on its legs. It's pretty old so I'm not surprised but from the amount of jumping and activities done on it, I'm not concerned that it'll break. 

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