[22] Prophecy

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Surprise Update! yay

Hope POV

    "Are you sure you want to do this?" I nod curtly at Penelope's words. "Alaric said Josie was hurt and that he has a job for us." "Yeah I know, you told me. But don't think I didn't notice all your sneaking out, Rougarou." Well shit. Caught. I just clear my throat. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I bat my eyelashes at her while staring up through them with an innocent look. 

   She smirks and says, "Lift up your shirt." She makes a gesture with her hand but I just gasp and put a hand on my chest. "I cannot believe you'd say something so inappropriate." I wiggle my fingers at her as she rolls her eyes. "Just do it." She pinches the bridge of her nose. I drop the innocent act. "Make me." She opens her mouth to say something while making a move to get me but I quickly step backward and grab my bags.

  "Suscipe me ad locum desideratum," I say hastily while thinking of the Salvatore School. I open my eyes to see that I'm standing in the dorm room that was assigned to us. I sigh in relief as I drop my bags on my side but that feeling is short-lived when I hear Penelope. I whirl around at the clicking of her heels. 

    Her bags sit neatly on her bed but her expression is not neat at all. She walks forward one step but I quickly put my hands out. "Okay, okay. I'll show you." She walks closer and I lift up my shirt to reveal the map of bruises and cuts that litter my torso. Her hand reaches out and she lightly traces over the wounds and the old scars. I shiver at the feeling of her cold hands but I stop when she smacks me lightly on the stomach.

   "Hey, that hurts," I protest when she hits me again. "Well, that'll teach you." I roll my eyes as I playfully shove her hands away and drop my shirt. 

   "We should probably go see what job Alaric has for us." I walk towards the door and Penelope follows me. "Remind me when we started following Alaric like a dog?" Penelope says while looking at her nails. The only sound in the empty hallway, her voice and the noise of her heels. "Since it involved Josie." "You don't even know the job is about Josie." "Well, he called to tell me that Josie was injured and then almost instantly followed up with the job offer. I think you're smart enough to put the pieces together." I pause for a second. "Or I'm wrong and you're as stupid as I think," I taunt. 

   "Shut up. Whatever, it makes sense. But if it isn't about Josie, I'm ditching you to hang out with Quinn." My eyebrows raise as I look at her. "That the girl you dancing with at the party?" She smiles bashfully. "Mhm. We've been texting hella over the past few days." "Oh, I bet." She looks at me. "Don't believe me? I can show you." She reaches for her pocket to pull out her phone but I quickly stop her. "No, I'm good. I don't need to see you sexting her. My eyes have seen enough." 

   She can't comment back since we've reached Alaric's office and I walk inside without knocking.  He's bent over his desk looking at something. He's clearly too absorbed into... whatever he's doing to notice that we've walked in. 

   We just stand there waiting to see how long it takes for him to notice us but he never does. We wait for a good 5 minutes with no reaction so I clear my throat. His head snaps up and his shoulders visibly tense. Well, they tense more than they were before. 

   "Girls, you're here. That was quick." He says the last part in a soft voice but I still catch it. "Witches who can teleport," I say while pointing at us and I hear Penelope snort. "What's the job?" His eyebrow quirks up. "You're not interested in Josie?" I swallow before shrugging. "She's not interested in me so I'm just following along." He nods slowly as if he's taking the information in even though I'm pretty sure he already knew. 

      "Well, my job is simple. I need your help to protect the school from Malivore monsters. Dorian has found the second key which is an urn and he's currently," he pauses to check his watch, "2 minutes away with it." I nod and I spot Penelope nodding as well out of the corner of my eye. "I don't know much but it seems that Malivore is able to send out 2 monsters at most but I'm not sure. One of them is a big black wolf with shackles on its legs. It attacked Josie and the rest of the Squad while they were at the cabin because they didn't tell me where they were going. Long story short, the wolf got the knife which was at the cabin which means that there are only 2 keys left from stopping Malivore. So it is of utmost importance that you two, let nothing close to it." 

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