[23] She Was

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Josie POV

    "Help me up." The urgency in my voice makes Mg pause for a quick second before listening to me. I take his hand and use it as support to get on my feet. My injury wasn't too bad. Just a big gash on the side of my stomach. I got a few stitches and now I feel fine. It hurt like a bitch though when I felt its claws spear my side. All the tubes and machines were really unnecessary but my dad insisted. 

   I hear screaming from somewhere outside and the squad and I rush to see what's causing the uproar. We exit the building and when we turn the corner, we all stand shocked.

   The field is a mess of rubble and ruin. In the middle of it all, a gigantic black and white wolf battle. The black wolf is missing one of its back legs while the white one is drenched in blood. Who it belongs to is unclear. 

   A student yells out and the white wolf turns its head at the sound. It runs over and lifts the tree long enough for my dad to pull them to safety. I look over at the student. She has brown hair that cascades down her shoulders and bright blue eyes stare at me. "T-thanks. I'm Jade. Jade Martin." She holds out a shaky hand and I take it.

   "I'm Josie... Saltzman. Josie Saltzman." I don't say anything else as I hear a loud howl and I turn to see the white wolf staggering back. It looks so much like Hope but there's no way since she wasn't that big when she transformed. If I remember correctly. 

   I cringe as it lets out more whimpers and yowls as I see the claws of the black wolf shred at the other's side. Yikes. That's gotta hurt but I watch in morbid fascination and worry as the two wolves battle. I gag as another one of the black wolf's limbs gets ripped off. Blood splatters everywhere and it's no wonder that the air is thick with the heavy scent of the red liquid. 

   A bright light follows along with the sound of Penelope chanting and then it's silent. Literally. There's no more growling, no more howling, just the sound of heavy breathing. When the smoke clears, the giant black wolf lays on the ground where blood pools from its wounds. And the white wolf is no longer standing. I watch as it walks towards Penelope and promptly collapses forward. It's much smaller now and it's back to the normal size of a werewolf. So it is Hope.

    We run towards the 2 sisters and I gasp as Hope stands. She has blood everywhere and her clothes are ruined. But what worries me most is the glassy look in her eyes. As if she's looking through us and not at us. That can't be a good sign. 

  She's being supported by Penelope and they lean to the right as the green-eyed girl tries to support both their weight. I see Hope look down and I'm glad that her pupils are moving which means that she's somewhat aware of her surroundings. 

   But that relief doesn't last long when I see her eyes start to droop and her whole body goes limp.

  My voice is raw as I shout, "Hope!" 

+    +     +

Hope POV

     There's so much blood. It lays splattered on the wooden floorboards and all over the oak walls. "Let me go!" My voice is raw and hoarse from screaming. Strong arms hold me tightly against his chest and he whispers in my ear. "I'm sorry. She never said this would happen. But she's my mother... and I, I owe her."  His voice is soft and rings of regret but that only makes the fire in the pit of my stomach grow.

   I turn my head to the side so I can see his face and I spit my next words out like they were poison. "And that's my mother. You're just a fucking coward who's too afraid to fight back. Now let me go." My words are harsh and cruel but I pay no mind. "Let me go," I repeat it but I know that he's not going to.

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