[29] Wait

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"Daddy!" I run into his open arms and he laughs loudly as he lifts me into his arms. "Hello, my littlest wolf." I grumble at the nickname. "I'm not little!" He laughs again. "That's right. You're a big girl now, aren't you." I nod. "It's your birthday, so what do you want to do? You're 6 now, there are so many different things to do." I think for a moment before saying, "Bakery." He nods with a smile. I feel his finger tap my arm gently 3 times.

"Why do you always do that?" He looks at me as he walks out of the compound with me in his arms. "Do what?" "That thing with your finger. You always tap me 3 times, why?" He looks up to the sky as he thinks. "I always had a hard time saying, I love you. So, I started tapping 3 times to say it without saying it." I tilt my head. "What do you mean, say it without saying it?" He looks at me and smiles.

"Well, it's a special way of saying I love you without actually saying the words aloud." "Ohh, so when you do that, you're saying you love me?" He nods. "That's right. Now let's get to the bakery." He puts me down and ruffles my hair before taking my hand.

+ + +

Clarke POV

The darkness that is my father consumes me and I let my body relax as the black liquid weighs me down. I close my eyes and hold my breath as my body sinks through the thick pit. It presses up against me and it takes everything in me to not tense when I feel my father cling to me, pulling me down to meet me.

When I feel solid floor, I open my eyes and take a moment to adjust to the darkness. It's not dim or dark, it's pitch black to the point where I can't see anything. Even if I put my hand right in front of my face, I wouldn't see it.

"Son." The booming voice echoes in my head and I wince slightly. "Father." I struggle to keep any tremors out of my voice as I don't need another reason for Father to think that I'm weak. "The school is proving to be more of a problem." I bow my head. "That tribrid is too strong, and that Sphinx betrayed me by giving them a prophecy that'll lead them to the answer of my downfall. Kill the tribrid. Deal with the school. No survivors."

"Yes, Father." A bright light shines towards my left and I have to block my eyes for a moment. I walk towards it, fully confident as I've done this many times.

I approach the light and it shapes itself into a doorway. I brace myself with a deep breath and then I walk through it.

Instantly, thick black tar is suffocating me and I sluggishly move towards the surface. When I feel the cold air on my hand, I claw my way through the black liquid. When I break through the surface, I gulp down the air while heaving myself out of the pit.

Once I'm completely out of the pit, I start walking to the lockers to change into cleaner clothes. My father's orders ring in my ears as bile makes its way up my throat.

Kill the tribrid. Deal with the school. No survivors.

+ + +

Quinn POV

Mother is calling me home. The ring on my finger is glowing a faint purple and I dread the meeting. With my vamp speed, I'm able to make it to New Orleans from the school in about an hour. An hour of straight running allows me to think so I really don't mind it.

I had excused myself from the 3 girls I spent the night with by saying that I had some family problems, which isn't really a lie.

I walk through the doors that lead to the living room and I'm greeted with Mother, Roman, Emmett, and that man, Clarke. "Hello, I wasn't aware we had guests." I slip into my practiced voice as I walk to the table. I take a seat next to Roman and across from Clarke. I pull a mask over my expression and complete it with a fake smile.

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