[27] Ugly

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Hope POV

Penelope throws herself at Damon and everyone freezes out of surprise. It's not like Penelope has supernatural speed, but she still hit him. Damon's a vampire, I'm pretty sure due to his lack of heartbeat but why he didn't dodge her hit is questionable. She strikes him right in the jaw and he just takes it.

Elena gasps and she grabs Penelope by the shoulders before throwing her across the room. I run and I'm able to catch Penelope before she hits anything. I feel Penelope shaking with anger but I don't question her. I've only seen Penelope lose her composure twice so to see her like this, it's interesting.

I set her down on her feet before looking at her. I hold her shoulders while she thrashes wildly in my grip. "Let me go. That motherfucker deserves to die!" I hold her back. "Calm down, Penelope. I don't know why you're angry, but let me help. Tell me." She growls almost like a wild animal and I stop for a second to wonder if she's a werewolf. But her eyes are still green.

"Octavia." Her voice is hushed even though most of the people here have supernatural healing. And although it's only one word, unbearable rage flashes through my body and I let go of Penelope. We both turn to look at Damon and Elena.

Penelope holds out her hands like she always does when she's about to perform powerful spells while my eyes flash amber and my fingers grow into claws.

"Hope! What are you doing?" Alaric's voice is harsh but I don't really mind. Something else is taking over my mind completely.

"Stay out of it, Alaric. This is none of your business." "Well, if you're going to do it in my gym, I'd rather know what's going on. Especially since Damon is my friend and he's saved this town more than I can count."

My eyes flash gold. "Fine. If you want to side with him, then you can die with him." My werewolf speed allows me to get close to Damon and he's not fast enough to dodge the blow I send his way.

Damon's head snaps to the side as I backhand him. "Hope!" The voice stops my movements but my eyes still stay on Damon. "Stop!" I feel a hand on my shoulder and I whip my head towards the girl. Josie backs up as she sees my golden eyes.

"Josie, I like you, but please don't get caught up in this. Just trust me that, that man deserves to be punished." My voice is quiet and pleading but Damon hears it.

"Tell me, what did I do to make you guys hate me so much. I've never even seen you two." He points at Penelope and me.

"April 4th, two years ago. Where were you?" Penelope hadn't spoken in a while and her voice stopped all conversations. The squad had gone to stand by Alaric and the others while Josie and Quinn stood on our side of the gym. I moved back to Penelope's side.

"Um, I don't know. Probably drinking or hanging out with Elena. Why?"

Penelope laughs bitterly. "You don't even remember. That's what makes you deserve this even more." Her hands come out and Damon shouts as he drops to one knee. She walks forward and Alaric goes to grab her. His hand wraps around her wrist and I lose it.

I march up to him and I take his hand and twist it to the right. He yells in pain and I don't give him a break as I throw him across the room. But before he hits the bleachers, Mg catches him and sets him down gently on his feet. He's cradling his hand.

"Touch her and you die." My chin comes up and the look in my eyes is enough to stop the other students from stopping us.

"Hope. Please, tell me what's going on?" I look over at Caroline who has a pleading look in her eyes. I ignore her.

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