Spells and Rituals Codex

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1) Invisique - Makes the caster invisible to any prying eyes. A low level spell so most if not all witches can cast this spell

2) Obsurdo Exsurdo - Deafens the one who is being cast upon. It'll deafen all senses but it mainly focuses on hearing

3) Augere Procresco - Amplifies the caster's voice 

4) Irritum Facere - Literally means to "break." The caster can cast this spell to break any spell if the witch is powerful enough

5) Vestigia Invenire - Literally means "find traces." A simple tracking spell that finds traces of magics

6) Mors Huic Creaturae - Literally means "death to this creature." A dark magic spell that, when performed right, will kill any non-immortal being

7) Suscipe Me Ad Locum Desideratum - A teleportation spell that'll take the caster and any desired objects to their preferred destination. A high-tier spell that if not cast right, could result in a disrupted soul. Made and perfected by Freya Mikaelson, Penelope Park, Davina Claire-Mikaelson, and Hope Mikaelson

F1-8) Incendia - A simple fire spell. A low-level spell that most witches can cast without problem

9) Virtut Mea Sume Donum Dei Et Mortale Redde - An immortality draining spell. A very high-tier spell that only the most powerful witches can cast. It is very dark magic but very effective if cast right. It will take the immortality of a being away and inflict miniature plagues on the caster. After the spell is cast, the being, being attacked will be rendered mortal and therefore, able to kill

10) Duhovito Očisti Nered Bez Obzira Na Veličinu - A Croatian spell that can clean up any mess. It's a relatively easy spell to perform but the caster must be very clear when they say it, less they want something bad to happen

11) Animus Debilitare Corpus Meum - Weakens one body to the state of a regular mortal. A pretty easy spell and even if messed up, no severe consequences. Made by Hope Mikaelson after her parents' death

12) Crescere Magna - Enlargens an object or person to the caster's desired size

F4-13) Animosus Ignis Ardere - Creates a large fireball. A more powerful version of incendia (see 8)

F3-14) Ignalusa - Creates a flame that is blown. It turns into a projectile weapon that'll incinerate anything in its path

F2-15) Augue - Creates a fireball that can be thrown

A1 -16) Ventus - A simple wind spell that creates a gust of wind

A2 -17) Vortex - Creates a whirlpool. The size depends on the caster along with intensity. The more powerful witch, the harsher the whirlpool

A3 -18) Ventus Murum - Creates a solid wall of air. The wind wall lasts only as long as the caster desires and nothing can get past it. A siphoner would be able to siphon magic out of the wind wall

A4 - 19) Furantur Venti - Sucks the air out of a person's lungs. Not dark magic but it teeters on the edge. If not controlled, could kill someone with this spell if the caster so desires

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