[28] The Attack

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Kaleb POV

   "Vampires are bad." My eyes flash to the screen in front of me and I try to shut it off. "Vampires are evil." I try to move my hands but they don't budge within the straitjacket. I try to scream but the leather mask over my mouth doesn't allow anything to get out. I'm chained to a chair as I'm forced to watch the screen. "Vampires are the scourge of the Earth." I've no choice other than to let the video drill its shit into my brain. 

   I can't close my eyes as the screen flashes with bloodied bodies and dismembered animals. "Vampires are bad." A cross burns across the screen and I feel my eyes start to hurt at the shining light. "Vampires are evil." The cross only gets brighter and bigger and I can't move my head away from its heavenly light. Fuck.

   "Vampires are the scourge of the Earth. Vampires are bad. Vampires are evil. Vampires are the scourge of the Earth. Vampires are bad. Vampires are evil. Vampires are the scourge of the Earth. Vampires are bad. Vampires are evil. Vampires are the scourge of the Earth. Vampires are bad. Vampires are evil. Vampires are the scourge of the Earth. Vampires are bad. Vampires are evil. Vampires are the scourge of the Earth. Vampires are bad. Vampires are evil."

 Over and over, the same phrases, the same images flash across the screen and I can't do anything but watch. No amount of struggling or screaming does anything. I only stop when I hear a voice. "Good evening, Kaleb. Shall we begin?" I scream and scream as a gloved hand picks up a scalpel and starts digging into my face. "Where is the urn?" I try to scream that I don't know but the mask muffles everything. I feel the flesh tear and peel away as the hand does its work. I scream one last time before I'm jumping off of my bed.

   I look around wildly until I realize that I'm in my room. I slow my breathing and eventually, I close my eyes again. I barely remember my dream but it must have been bad to get me this sweaty. I go to the bathroom and wash up before trying to get more sleep.

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Rafael POV

   My breath comes out in huffs of air and I look around. I'm in the back acres of school. What am I doing out here? I shrug as I move to walk forward but a clinking sound stops me. I turn around to see that I'm chained to the tree. What? I feel a surge of energy go through my body and I look up at the sky to see the bright full moon looming over me. 

   Shit. I roar in pain as I feel my back arch forward. The bones splinter and crack repeatedly until I can no longer breathe and I'm on one knee. "Stop, please. Stop, please gods it hurts" My voice comes out in a hoarse whisper but there are no gods listening.

   I shriek as my knee juts out to the side as the bone snaps and I feel tears spring to my eyes. Please. Stop. I'm now rolling on the floor as I strain against the chains. I feel every. single. bone shatter and reform as they take shape into my wolf. I feel the bones enlargen and move into place.

  But instead of the relief that comes with the finished transformation, I'm left with twice the pain. What the fuck? I yell out again as I feel my canines rip my gums open as they make their appearance. I roll on the floor screaming out but it never stops. 

   Laughter rings out over my screaming and I open my eyes long enough to catch a glimpse of my foster parents staring at me. They point at me with wicked smiles as they mock me. "Stop." They don't hear my words as they circle me. The pain comes again and I scream once more but not even my voice is loud enough to drown out their laughter.

  I jolt off of my bed and I cut my scream mid-way. What the hell was that?

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