[13] Changes

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Josie POV

I've been awake for an hour and Lizzie has already left the room. She had tried to talk to me but I had just pretended to be asleep. Even though she pretended to drop books or purposely cough loudly, I just ignored her and kept my eyes closed. Eventually, she just gave up and I soon heard the door click shut. That's when I opened my eyes carefully to look around the room. My eyes fall on the clock and it reads 12:00 pm. That's fine since I have class at 3 but I'm pretty sure classes are canceled since of our party. So I basically have the whole day before I have to face Lizzie while I change. I gasp as I realize that I'll also have to face Hope since she's my date. But it's like a friendly date, right? Like we're going together as friends. I internally face-palm since we just kissed. So there's no way we're going as friends. I groan as I think back to the events from yesterday.

I kissed a girl. I kissed a girl and I liked it. The realization hits me harder than I expected and I wonder how I never knew this about myself. Although, it was never a topic on my mind since I never dated nor crushed on anyone. I groan. What do I do? I like Hope, like really like. But she's not my soulmate since she's not a wolf, and she doesn't have a mark. So... that leaves me with the hard option. Breaking things off with her. It'll be best if I just break the whole friendship off too since it'd be too hard to maintain a relationship without constantly wanting to kiss her. Even now, I want to experience that feeling again. The feeling of being close enough to feel her breathe. The feeling of her hair in my hands, the feeling of her lips on my mine. My thoughts stop abruptly when a loud knock breaks the silence.

I quickly rustle back under my blankets and close my eyes. I try to slow down my breathing and I'm counting down from 5 when the door opens.

"Don't even try, I can hear your heartbeat." My eyes flash open and I turn around so quickly I almost fall off the bed. "Mom!" Her face breaks into a smile and she rushes over to me and gives me a hug. I wrap my arms around her and I hug her tightly as if I'm holding on for dear life.

When she pulls away, her look of happiness has vanished and a look of concern has replaced it. "Are you okay? Lizzie told me that you haven't got out of bed yet." I look up surprised. Surprised that Lizzie realized I was awake and that she actually got mom involved because she was worried. My mom's anxious eyes bring me back to reality. "Right, I'm just tired." It's not a lie but it's not exactly the truth. "You're not telling me everything."

Ugh, my mom's a freaking vampire, there's no way I'm getting out of this situation.

+ + +

Hope POV

I wake up to the sound of water running. I don't open my eyes nor do I move. I just lay under my warm covers listening to the world move around me. I don't remember walking back to my room or getting into bed. I also don't remember changing into my pajamas. But II try to focus on everything else that's not my thoughts. I pay attention to the chatter of the students in the cafeteria and the common room. I hear the chirps of a bird flying in the sky. I center on the rain splashing onto the roof of the boarding school.

But alas my peace is disrupted with Penelope shouting. I sit up, alert and I see Penelope running out of the bathroom. "What is it? Are you okay?" I ask quickly. She looks up surprised that I'm awake. "No. There's a huge fucking spider in the corner." I roll my eyes. I got out of bed for a spider? "Penelope, you're 18 and a very powerful witch yet you're scared of spiders?" She just glares at me darkly. "Shut up and go kill it." I chuckle with a smile as I walk to the bathroom and I squish the spider with a paper towel. I move to throw it in the trash but Penelope stops me. "No, burn it." I open my mouth. "That's a little rude don't you think?" But she just shakes her head. "Those things are like cockroaches, they never die." I sigh as I burn it with a small spell. "There, happy?" I ask as I put the ashes in the trashcan. She nods and gets out of the corner she was hiding in.

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