[09] Holy shit... again

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Hope POV

  Sorry for the late post, it wouldn't upload.

 We have our next class at 7 p.m. So we have a lot of time until then. We decide to get breakfast and we start making our way to the cafeteria. Lizzie and Mg are already sitting at a table along with the rest of the group. They don't have class as early as we do so they probably just woke up.  Josie is groggily cutting into her pancakes while Raf and Landon eat cereal. 

  Josie has her hair in a messy bun and she's wearing grey sweats with a black sweatshirt. Lizzie and Mg are eating waffles. Penelope and I move to get in line but Josie calls out. "I saved you guys a plate!" Her voice is quiet but it carries over the chatter of everyone else in the cafeteria. I smile and we sit down. I'm on the right of Josie and Penelope is on my other side. 

   Josie gasps when she sees the blood on my sleeve but I quickly dismiss it. "Some glass got in there, but don't worry. I tied it up and I'm completely fine now." But she doesn't relent. 

   "How did glass get in? Why didn't you go to the infirmary?" I shoo the questions especially because I don't have a lie to cover it. The first question I can answer but the second would be harder to dodge. I can't really tell her that I have werewolf healing, that would freak her out. 

   "I'm fine." She pouts at me for a second and I can't help but think of how adorable she is. Lizzie gags. "Stop making that face, Jo. You look pathetic." My thoughts take a quick turn and I look at Lizzie. "I would tell you to eat the shit that just came out of your mouth but that would be cannibalism. And we wouldn't want to commit that crime, now would we?" Penelope bursts out laughing but she pauses long enough to say, "No we wouldn't." She then continues in her fit of laughter. Raf tries to cover his laugh with a cough but he does poorly and Landon's face is pinched. You can tell he's trying to hold back a smile.

   Lizzie's face is red while Josie is looking down but I don't miss the blush that dances on her face. "You're a fucking rude bitch, Marshall." I pout but I can't hold it and it quickly turns into a smirk. "Aww, you say that like it's a bad thing. Plus, I'm not rude, I only say what everyone else is thinking. I just have the balls to say it in front of... daddy's girl," I say the last bit in a high-pitched voice that clearly mocks the way she speaks.

   Penelope is cracking up in the background and this time, Raf joins in. Josie is blatantly smiling now and she's not trying to hide her face. She gives me a grateful look and I wink at her. She blushes deeply and she goes back to hiding her face. Lizzie looks around the table and she stands up hotly. "My father will hear about this!" She says before walking away. "Whatever, Malfoy!" I call out after her. Hm, in my head that sounded funnier. But it seems like Josie got it.

  She's smiling again, completely forgetting about everything I focus solely on her.

  Her face changes completely when she smiles. Normally her face has a quiet shy look and it doesn't help that she doesn't speak much. But when she smiles, everyone can see her. It's like she shines brightly, like... sol. The Latin word had just come to me. I had learned Latin since most spells that I learned were in Latin, so I thought I mind as well learn what I'm saying. It made the incantation part of spells very easy. 

   Penelope smacks me on the back. She wipes a tear out of the corner of her eye. "That was fucking amazing." She breaks into laughter and everyone joins except Mg. "Guys, that was kind of mean." I roll my eyes. I look at him. "I'm going to give you some advice. Mg, you need to move on. I've only known you for like 3 days but it's enough to see your colossal crush on Lizzie. It's not a good crush and you shouldn't be proud of it, but it is a crush nonetheless. You can't just get rid of it. She's not going to fall for you. You need to move on. You're too good for her," I say sincerely.

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