[12] Wishes

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   Josie quickly swims away from Hope after blasting bubbles at her. They had been playing for a while and Penelope had gone to get snacks, leaving the other two alone. Which was her plan, she was trying to give opportunities for them to get closer. She was taking quite a long time to grab some snacks but the girls didn't notice, they were too caught up in each other.

   Josie turns around and shoots bubbles at Hope's face again.'This girl,' Hope thinks as she growls and darts after her. Josie's hair flows freely behind her and Hope smiles as she chases after the brunette. The girls had gotten creative with the bubbles. Josie had shot them out of finger guns or sometimes she would blow it at the other girl. Hope would sometimes make the bubbles take the form of an animal running at Josie just to make her laugh. Or sometimes she would wiggle her fingers and shoot bubbles that resembled lighting like Zeus.

    Hope quickly swims after Josie and she's gaining on her. The brunette doesn't realize that Hope is chasing her and she doesn't realize how close they are. Meanwhile, Hope is about to throw her hands on Josie's shoulders, and the brown strands of hair flow into her face. Josie finally unable to hold herself back, turns around to see where Hope is only to find that Hope is right behind her. Right behind as in, touching. Their lips had met in a swift motion and they both opened their eyes wide as they take in what's happening.

    Again, their eyes locked into a battle, a battle in which neither could win, neither could force the other to look away, and neither could make themselves look away. It was quite fascinating in the way that Josie hated making eye contact. She could never hold it because she never had the confidence or the want to but when it was Hope's eyes she was looking into, everything vanished and it was as if nothing else mattered. It startled her, the fact that she had known this girl for a week and she had already fallen so far.

   Hope, on the other hand, couldn't decide what to feel. The pull to melt into the kiss and the need to close her eyes as she enjoyed it was almost overwhelming. Almost. But the annoying reasonable voice in her head told her to keep her distance for anyone who came close enough would end up hurt. But yet she couldn't bear to tear herself from the brunette's eyes nor her lips. Two sides of the same mind were clashing and Hope was helpless as to aid a side. One told her to let Josie in and to try to open up and start a relationship but the other side strongly resisted this idea. 

   She knew she wasn't ready for a relationship, especially after everything she's been through. So why was it so hard for her to pull herself away from the girl? Why was it so hard to shut down the voices telling her to love? Why was it so hard to tell it no? 

  The kiss only lasts for a split second but to them, it felt like a million years, and maybe they wished it so. But wishes are just that, wishes and Josie reluctantly broke away. She looks at Hope for a moment before quickly swimming up to the surface. Hope, stunned at what had just happened takes a moment to pull herself together before swimming after Josie. 

   When she reaches the surface she finds that Josie has already left with her belongings gone. If Hope looked closely enough, she could see Josie wrapped in a white towel running up the winding path back up to school. She sees her disappear behind the great doors and that's when she stumbles onto her back. She just lays on the pier, rethinking the strange moment. She blinks, trance-like as the kiss lingers in the crisp evening air.

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Josie POV

     HOLY SHIT. What was I thinking? I've currently locked myself in my bathroom. I completely ignore Lizzie, making a beeline to the bathroom as I try to unravel everything that just unfolded. 

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