Chapter 3- Things Getting Real

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Things Getting Real

Oh no, I forgot one crucial reason why I needed Nadia here. The Creep Alex was here. He'd usually be too busy looking for Nadia so he could get his ghetto walk ready and get his "Hot Expression" on his face.

Since she wasn't here today he had time to have a conversation with me. Ugh. I hated that and today he was more antsy then usual. Me and Nadia had been texting and I had switched to my watch and told Nadia about Alex. All of a sudden the unbearable happened.

My wrist vibrated. I flicked my watch up, as I saw the messages icon pop up from the bottom with Nadia's name under it then immediately shrink as I see the text "AirDrop his iPad and ask him "What's your deal with Nadia?".

I knew Alex wouldn't take those words lightly. I text back "GIRL ARE YOU CRAZY , HE'S NOT GONNA LIKE THAT" and seconds later she responds with "boy just do it omg he can text me if he got an issue" I respond back with "girl fine, doing it in my own words though."

Seconds later she responds with "tell me first before you send" and I type back quickly on my watch "no thank you" and start ignoring the buzzes my watch gives me as she keeps texting me.

I really don't want to do it, but Nadia wanted me to so I did it but in my own words. The text read across the screen: "Hey dude i was just wondering what's your deal with Nadia? I also wanted to know if you were doing better from earlier at PE". I send the airdrop. I feel a sense of alarm when his names goes blue with "Sent" under it but then immediate relief after realizing I'd finally initiated this so its on now. As I see him typing although he's so close, he's just so far.

He types for a bit then kind of side looks back toward me out of the corner of his eye so I immediately look back down to my iPad screen to pretend I'm busy doing other things.

After waiting about a good solid 30 seconds I see it: " AirDrop: IPA-Richardson, Alex would like to share a note." I can tell from small view from the side of my right eye that he's side looking again so I pretend to accept it nonchalantly without caring but really from his position change in his seat I was nervous.

When the airdrop finally loaded the notes app I see his message he typed " Do y'all got a thing going or sum cause y'all are like always talking. Also, I can embarrass you. I can hurt you. I can find you. Don't ever talk to me again like that." I felt chills down my stomach like I was gonna poop my pants.

I look up to see him glaring at me then wink evilly and look back to his iPad to do other things. I felt like all my energy, focus, mindset, just everything had left my body.

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