Chapter 19- Remorse

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Maybe I should hear him out. I mean sure he's a psycho but you got to admit, the idea of Alex, the somewhat cute guy from school, getting off to a pic of me is like a dream come true. Wait I forgot about Ken. Ugh I can't exactly cheat on him since we had sex and I'm pretty sure this means we're dating according to my rules. I finally decide what im gonna do. I pull over at a Burger King and scroll all the way back to the day my life changed completely. I find that number, and click it, and press call. 

It rings for a bit and I hear a familiar voice answer. "Hello?" I say "meet me at the Burger King on Oak Street." I immediately hang up hoping I did the right thing. I start to call Nadia but change my mind. I put my phone down and it rings as soon as I look away. I pick it back up and see a text from that number. It says "I'll see you there." As another text comes in from the same number with "Attachment: 1 Image" I already know what this is gonna be yet I still click it anyway. I see that same "I'll see you there" text above the photo that was sent with the special glitter iMessage effect. I swipe the glitter away and my mouth goes wide. It's so long.... big... no I can't. NO. I close the message quickly and swipe the messages app away and turn my phone off. I look down  and things are stiff down there. I say "ugh." out loud and focus my attention back on waiting for his slow self. 

My phone rings in my hand again and I almost don't even look at the screen until I hear Ken's name. I immediately pick it up and see it's a FaceTime video call. I clear my throat and gather myself and try to forget about the photo I just received, and accept the call. I see him lying in bed smiling at the screen. I just now realized it's still morning- dang. He says "hey where are you?" I smile back and say "at Burger King why?" He rolls over on his stomach and says "I wish you were still here." I smile fully now unable to control it and say " honestly same." He stares at the camera for a few moments still smiling and I do too and he finally moves after awhile. He gets flat on his back, starts panning the camera around his face slowly, then moves downwards. Once he reaches "down there" he pauses and says "how's the view?" I immediately say "I'll be over in an hour" and he laughs and says "see you then babe" and hangs up. He called me babe. I can't take this.

 I finally decide on calling Nadia immediately when I see that familiar car pull up and out jumps Alex with a good bit of bandages on and you can tell he's cleaned up a lot of the blood from earlier and finally got some clothes on. Sheesh, I tore him up pretty bad. I bust out laughing uncontrollably making an ugly face while laughing unfortunately, then pull myself back together when he looks toward my way. I go stone faced and press the start button to turn my car off and get out. I shut the door and lock it keeping my eyes on my phone, texting Nadia about everything. Once I reach the door where he's standing I send the text and turn my phone off and put it in my pocket. I look up and realize we are very, VERY close. Dang he still looks sexy with bandages. I mentally kick myself and then focus on handling business. I dismiss that thought and slightly smile and pull the door open. 

I walk in and go to the front counter and order. I try to ignore the fact of how close Alex is and honestly it's creepy but it's also turning me on at the same time. Ugh I need to get my body together. I order and get my drink and go sit down with Alex trailing very close behind. We sit at a booth in the back from everybody, him across from me, and after a minute of silence avoiding talking I finally start the convo. " what I caught you doing... is it what I thought it was?" I don't know why I asked that question, of course that was him jacking off to me. He smiles weirdly and after a few seconds says "yep." I say "umm, okay then...why?" with a confused look. He changes to an unreadable expression that I can't tell or understand. He sits there silent for awhile, then says "cause I was imagining you sucking my *explicit*." I don't let him know that comment caught me off guard by keeping a straight stone face. I say "ok."and I wait a few seconds and say finally "so you're gay?" knowing good and well of the answer to my question. He waits a few moments with a blank face and say "no." I sit there now visually stunned saying "Okay. Pretty sure that's a gay thing but I can tell you're playing the DL game." He sits there staring at me creepily and I decide I'm not gonna let him ruin my meal that I ALREADY PAID FOR so I sit there and eat my food ignoring him staring at me and finally finish and get up and say "Well, I'm leaving." And he immediately jumps up saying "WAIT. I'll walk you out." I say "okay...." And we walk out.

 When we pass the door and to my car he immediately lunges at me and pins me on my car and says "say anything to anyone about this and, I'll find you." He suddenly changes to a soft expression and leans closer to my face. Ugh, he's gonna kiss me. I try to push him away fast but he grabs my arms and pins them to my car and goes in for the kiss. He grunts and moans as he repeatedly kisses me. Not gonna lie, he's an PRETTY good kisser. Not as good as Ken though of course. He finally backs off and I feel something brush against my leg as he leans off of me. His boner. I don't say anything though. He finally walks off towards his car and I immediately hop into my car and sigh loudly and feel overwhelmed by emotions like I need to cry, when there's nothing to cry about.

 Actually there is. The sad reality is, I enjoyed that kiss. Ugh why does life have to be so ratchet like this. I take my phone out of my pocket and start to call Nadia when I see Alex staring at me from the side of my view in his car. I instead decide to back out of the parking lot and start driving there to her while calling her. As I pull out into the road, I get an incoming FaceTime video call from Ken. Ugh, he's definitely the last person I want to talk to right now but at the same time I want to tell him everything. 

I answer once I pull into the main traffic and I see him fully clothed standing upwards in what looks like his kitchen. I say "hey, how are you?" He doesn't smile and looks serious so I change my expression to serious too. He says "terrible, you?" I say "ok, why are you feeling terrible? Still feeling worn out too from last night? I was just on my way, so we could commence round 3." I try once more to lighten the mood and thankfully he gives me a half smile but after a few seconds immediately gets serious again. He says "Very funny. Check your instagram dm's right now." I say with a confused look "I'm driving right now... why do I need to check it?" He sighs and says "just....pull over and check it. I can't say it cause I'm so shook right now." 

I turn into the smoothie king parking lot, tempted to order a smoothie but decide against it, and then immediately open instagram to see what he's talking about. I see a badge over the messages icon with a number five over it. I click it and click Ken's message without reading the others. I see a post from Brian Willis, the popular straight, boy from our school. Next to his name I see his profile picture: Him in all camouflage with a "Trump 2024" hat on. I'm not gonna say anything. I'm not gonna say a word. I grimace and look and click the actual post finally. It's a picture of me and Ken. In Olive Garden. Kissing over the table. The caption says "Was trying to enjoy my meal when I saw these two f**s in the restaurant. Who's all finna help me teach them a lesson on Monday " I'm at a loss of words and all I can manage to say is "Oh." 

Ken says "you just saw it right?" I forgot he was still on the phone. I say "yes.." He says "Yeah, I know. That's not even the worst part though. Click the comment section." I immediately tense up knowing what's coming. I swipe back to Instagram staring at the picture and the caption. I finally gather up enough courage and click the comments button. I see a flood of comments come up. Some good some bad. I scroll through skimming through some. I see lots of "disgusting", "I'm with you", and even one "Brian create a gc and add us straight normal people let's plan something" with 42 likes. I see a reply under it from Brian saying "already on it bro" with 53 likes. 

I start feeling numb scrolling through all the comments mostly saying the same thing, in silence. I finally see one that just sets me off. One from James Road. He says "bro, what the actual h***, fr yall add me to the gc this some nasty mess" I accidentally let my mouth drop. This guy knows good and well- Ken finally says "you alright?" I forgot we were still on FaceTime again. I swipe back to the FaceTime app and say "those people. I cant even right now. Look, I gotta go,but thank you for telling me. Ill call you later okay?" He says "sure, of course. You sure you're okay though?" with a reassuring voice. I say "yeah, just need some time to think and process this." with a loud sigh. He says "I get that. Are you still coming over?" I ponder and finally say "I don't think so, I think I might just need to be alone, but I promise I'll call you later." He pauses for a moment and says "Okay yeah, talk to you later too." I press the end call button and put my phone down in the cup holder. I sit there with my hand over my face for a bit thinking, then finally reverse out of the parking spot and head to Nadia's house.

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