Chapter 20- Tired. Just Tired.

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I pull up at Nadia's house. I get out of my car, and lock the door. I decide to let her come to the door for once and not use her spare key. She comes to the door, and opens it for me and I walk in and something is different about her. She's very .. paranoid, like she doesn't want me to know something. I ignore it at first, and just relax.

We finally decide we're gonna go out and get London and do something and she relaxes and goes off to change. While she's in her room, London calls and i pick up the phone for her. I know her password, so i unlock her phone, then answer the phone. I tell her that we're getting ready to come get her, and that we're gonna go out.

She says okay, and I tell her we'll be there about 45 mins. I hang up, and I see that Nadia left her messages open before she went off to go change. I close them and I'm about to just lock her phone until I feel like I saw Ken's number with the date saying today, about an couple of hours ago. I get suspicious and then open her messages again.

I know this is probably such a violation of trust, but at least I have a REASON to check, because I want to see why she even has his number in her phone. I open her messages, and sure enough, that's his number. I gasp and get up to check she's not coming. I hear the shower running, so I know I have time, because she always takes obnoxiously long showers.

I click his conversation and a small string of messages come up. I keep scrolling up to the very top, and this is how it goes, start to finish.

Today | 2:33 AM

nadia- i need you right now

ken- honestly same, i'm pretty horny rn

nadia- your place in 15?

ken- i'll be here waiting

Today | 3:56 AM

nadia- you were actually good for once, lasted longer then 5 minutes😉

ken- oh i know, i had practice 😉

nadia- oh yeah .. i forgot you still were toying around w that gay who** ..

ken- i know, he moaned too much, it got on my nerves, i was so relieved when he left😂 that's your friend though, you know he'd be so pissed if he found out you paid me to f**k him

nadia- stopp thats so embarrassing 🤣🤣 and yeah i know, that's why he's not gonna find out ... until the group of guys at school expose him and ruin his reputation though ..

ken- well, i should ghost him right after meeting up with him for the last time today right?

nadia- most definitely. i'll make sure he forgets about you and moves on, so he doesn't go looking for you.

ken- ight bet. i'll text u later with updates

I sit there, almost in tears, but with no tears to cry. I sit there shocked, angry, upset, depressed, and even humored at the irony of it all. If you were to name any emotion, I would have it in that moment. I quickly pull myself together enough to pull my phone out and take pictures of the entire conversation and put my phone back in my pocket.

I don't even realize the shower has turned off and Nadia has been getting dressed, so when she walks in the room, i'm startled. Nadia starts "hey, go ahead and call London and tell her to start getting ..." she pauses and sees me on her phone and then tenses up and goes "what're you doing on my phone ..??" and I leave the convo and text messages open and get up and grab my keys and phone and walk out of the room.

She realizes I saw the messages, and starts to chase after me, but i'm too fast. When she finally makes it outside, i'm already in my car, with it cranked up, pulling out of the driveway.

I have no feelings. Nothing left to give. I've been through so much, I just feel empty now. I don't even know if i can trust London still, but I just need someone to just .. decompress with other then myself, per usual, so I drive to her place.

I pull up at her place, and turn off my car. I sit there for a second just trying to pull myself together. I had been silent the whole way over, besides the occasional flow of tears everytime Nadia tried to call my phone. She kept calling to the point where I had to just turn on Do Not Disturb, and silence all my notifications. I get out of my car, and lock it and walk to her front door and ring her doorbell. Her mom answers, and I immediately smile. Her mom is one of the nicest people I've ever met, and I can never repay her for all she's done for me.

Even if I was having a horrible day, she still would make me smile. We chat for a bit, and then I go to London's room. She was all ready to go, and says "alright, i'm ready, where's nadia ?" and that's when i remembering everything flooding in. I start to speak, and all that leaves my body are quivers and tears. I close my mouth and sit down. When my words are finally working again, I say "sis, um .. sit down, we gotta talk about her."

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