Chapter 28- Back To Normal

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-2 Days Later-

I decide that today would be a great day to try and drive. Traffic isn't too bad, and besides my doctor said "2 days at the minimum." For now, I'll drive my brother's old car, the 2014 Sonata. I know he's back from the trip, which means he needs his car, but I don't care, technically it wasn't my fault that I got into the accident. I was hit by someone else, so it's about time I get some sympathy, really.

I grab my spare key, and tell my dad I'm going out. He asks what car I'm driving, and I hold up th Hyundai key's and say "His car." He says "First of all, shouldn't you stay off the road? Second of all, why did you tell us you lost the key to it..?"

I say in response "I needed a backup, and in this case, it worked out perfectly. No car equals I use his car whenever he's being lazy at home, like he is, right now. If he wants to go somewhere, he should say that."

My Dad starts to say something back, but realizes I am partially right, so he just waves his hand and says "Fine. We'll be tracking you though, and calling you every hour, so don't pull any tricks. I shake my head yes like I already know the speech, without looking at him. I know if I tell my Mom I'm leaving, she'll make a fuss, and try to find a way to make me stay, so I just tell my Dad to tell her I went out. As I'm walking out my Dad says "Wait, where are you going though? Do NOT just say "Out" because that's not a good enough answer." I sarcastically say "Well, you read my mind" and roll my eyes in my mind. I finally say "Probably to London's house, maybe Grandma's house too if I feel like it, and I'll probably get something to eat while I'm out." He stares into space for a moment, then says "Okay."

I walk out of the house and walk to the Sonata. I unlock it, and get in the drivers seat and as I close the door, the Sonata chimes at me and says "Welcome Driver 1" which makes me smile warmly. I say out loud " Thanks, Sonata. It's been a while." I press the start-up button and hear the engine roar to life, and connect my phone to USB, and play my Snow Patrol playlist. I hear "The Symphony" emerge from the speakers, and everything then feels right. I put the car into reverse, and start to back out the driveway and as I'm about to drive off, my brother comes running out of the house. I laugh and press the accelerator and speed off up the street.

As I'm pulling out on the main road, he calls me. I roll my eyes because his call paused my music. I press the answer button on the steering wheel and say "What?" He says "Turn around, and bring my car back." I say "First of all, I asked you earlier if you were going anywhere, and you said you were staying at home, in the bed, being lazy, so I needed to get out, and needed some wheels." He responds with "I was getting ready to leave, right as you took my car." I say, in a matter of fact tone, "You ran outside to stop me in PAJAMAS." He says "Well- That's not the point.." I cut him off and say "The point is that I'm out and about, and I didn't want to take Mom's car because I know she would've had a fit, and Dad doesn't trust me in his car, so just take Mom's car if you're going somewhere." He says "Why can't YOU take Mom's car?" I say "You know she would assume I'm off doing... stuff in her car, even though I have enough respect to not do that." He starts to say "You're right, but guess what? None of us want you in our cars being the fag-" I hang up, not caring to hear anymore. I can't stand them sometimes. He starts trying to call again, and sends me texts with the slur. I turn on my Driving Focus so that only my Mom and Dad can reach me, not him.

I forget about my stupid brother and continue singing to "The Symphony" and letting the music and lyrics flow through my brain, and remembering how to drive, and nothing else. No worries, no frustrations, just me and my music. I find myself just.. driving, with no destination and then remember, I have a job. Well, I probably had a job since I've been MIA on a short, unexpected... vacation. I decide to drive there, and check on my status as a Chick Fil A employee. I pull up and park, and sit there for a moment, getting the courage to walk in. It's very possible that no one will even remember me, or just shun me without hearing my story. I gather myself, grab my keys and phone, and get out of the car and lock it. I walk inside, and walk up to the register. I see no one at first, so I wait. After a few seconds, I see a group of people coming from the back. Some new, some old. They're all laughing, celebrating, and I see one face in particular.

Alex. All my old coworkers see me, and get a half guilty, half excited look and start welcoming me back. They tell me to come behind the counter so we can get caught up. I keep my eyes on Alex the whole time, watching his every move. I just don't trust him. He smiles at me, and I notice how comfortable everyone is with him. Then I realize, he might as well have been my replacement. They ask me where I've been, and I break the news to them that I've been basically clocked out. They all give me their sympathy and start to forgive me. I finally ask the question I've been dreading. I say "So.. do I still have my job..?" And they all smile and say "Of course, duh. You'll just be taking on a new position." I say "Oh.. what's the position?" One of the head supervisors steps forward and smiles and says "Alex.. introduce yourself to Mark! Mark, Alex will be your new trainee, and you'll be training him alongside with your work. Basically, you have extra help and can help us train him even faster." My eyes go wide, and I do my big fake smile and say "Yay!" to convince everyone that I'm actually excited, when all I wish now is that they didn't give me my job back.

This is going to be interesting to say the least.

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