Chapter 8- So What We Gone Do?

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We pull up at Nadia's place since her parents are on a anniversary trip for a month. We went on the interstate to lose Coach K and although it took us like an extra ten minutes it worked.

Since she wasn't in any of his class periods he couldn't look at the records and pull her address. We sit there in Nadia's kitchen thinking about what we gone do when London finally talks about it.

"We have to go back to school." I say "girl and risk me getting raped, and y'all kidnapped? No thank you." She frowns and says "We have to. An unexcused leave without check out from a parent in the middle of the day is sketchy."

I give her a tired look and say "So what should we do then girl? Go back to school for next period, say we had an family emergency that required us to leave immediately and then play it low key taking secret routes to classes?"

I immediately put my hand to my head thinking how stupid am I. London smiles and says "start the car please." Thankfully I already went to K's class today I just had to go to Math now which I had to pass his classroom to get there.

Where he stands outside his door everyday. Waiting on people to come and socializing. Ugh I better figure something out.

When we pull up at school, I park my car on the other side of the campus near the café again after seeing Coach K's 4Runner back in its spot near my usual parking spot on the other side of the campus where the car line is.

I press the start button and it turns my car off. We get out and lock the car and we all remind each other of the obvious things to look out for.

Coach K.

As we crossing the courtyard the bell rings for next period and we see everyone start flooding out the doors from every which way in the buildings.

We split up to go to our separate classes and I keep walking straight. Towards the building he's in. I get in the doorway where there's kids everywhere and I try going to the opposite way towards the library which I can take a left and go straight and it'll shoot me straight towards math but the problem is, that hallway is always chaos.

Kids just love holding up traffic by talking to each other in the middle of the hall, texting and walking dead into walls and lockers, its just a mess. I decide to put my hood on, walk fast, keep my identification tag visible and almost made it past when Assistant Principal Davis just HAD TO STOP ME.

Keep in mind he's a very tall black guy. His voice for some reason is just so... distinct idk. It's loud enough to shut everyone up in the downstairs building.

Now also keep in mind I lowkey like him a little so I don't be complaining when he stop me or ask to see me in his office but this time I was not with it.

He even read my Badge and knew it was me. He says "Any reason why your hood is on indoors?"and idk but I felt like I should be honest with him so I said "I'm trying to keep someone from noticing me."

And this man done went ahead and said "oh that's cool and all but still-" he pulled my hood off mid conversation and that's when I feel Coach K staring at me.

I tune this man out for a moment still hoping Coach K wasn't staring at me still when AP Davis snapped his fingers and said "Hello?" which finally catches my attention. I say "yes...I'm here."

And he gives me this look (which was for some reason attractive for no reason) and then finally says "hurry to class your gonna be late." And walks off and waves to Coach K still standing there.

He looks at me with a smooth but needy look and pulls his mask down and mouths "I cant wait to make you do all these things to me."

And he gestures to his "thing" .

Before he can make any more gestures I speed walk away to Math wishing we just stayed at Nadia's place.

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