Chapter 29- Forgiving and Forgetting

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I need a breath of air. This is all too much. I slip away from everyone, and walk away from the restaurant because I couldn't take it anymore. I'm so flustered that I don't notice Alex secretly following me. I walk out of the Chick Fil A and head towards the car, overwhelmed, when I hear my name called from behind.

I turn around to see him running towards me. I mentally groan and start walking faster to my car. He finally catches me and grabs me. I'm too annoyed to hear anything he has to say, but also too drained and mentally tired to retaliate so I let him grab me without putting up a fight. He grabs my hands together into his and keeps me from opening my car door. He says "Mark, dude, just please hear me out." I close my eyes and say "Go ahead." He starts off by saying "I just want things to go back to normal between us. " I stare at him blankly for awhile and finally respond with "I get that, and I want us to be normal again too... but I just can't help but picture you in my house, yanking your chain and then trying to hurt me, every time I look at you. Honestly, I'm so screwed up at this point that I'm not even sure if the thought of you being... attracted to me is such an entirely awful idea. It sort of feels like i'm into it, in a sense. I don't know though, I'm just probably tired and delirious." I realize that in my rambling of words, he's hung onto every word intently and I've might've said too much because his eyes go wild with wonder and I notice a hint of desire and lust starting to flood his eyes. 

I say to him "Alex... what are you thinking..?" At that moment, I know it's too late because he doesn't respond. His eyes are glazing over with lust and I know that i've lost him. I have to get away. He reads my mind because as I secretly reach behind my back to open my car door, he grabs my hands again, this time even tighter than before. He shakes with pleasure and says "I'm not letting you slip away again, Mark. You're mine and I'm so glad that I finally have a chance." I do the unthinkable. I give him a passionate kiss on the lips. It was firm, it was tender, it was wet, it was enough to make him ejaculate on command. Then, I swiftly knee him in the balls which leaves him down for the count, on the ground, in agony. If you're ever in a sticky situation that involves a man being sexually obsessed with you, try kicking him in the balls  WHILE he's cumming. It's a recipe for disaster for him. You're welcome.

I quickly jump into the car, lock the doors, and start it and reverse out of the parking spot. By the time he's standing up again, I'm leaving the parking lot, looking at him in the rearview mirror standing in my now empty parking space, with a liquid stain spreading rapidly down the front of his pants. Guess I might've emptied his bladder for him too. The crazy thing about it? 

I actually really want him. I just can't let myself fall for him. It's too dangerous.

If there's one thing I've learned about myself though.... turns out I like exploring danger.

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