Chapter 12- Time To Get Him Locked Up

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We pull up at nadia's house again, this time the short faster way. We all go inside and sit down this time on the couch cause we tired from all that chasing and excitement. We all start to fall asleep when london says "wait! We're just gonna have to do this all again on Monday next week because we don't have proof he's tried to rape you or kidnap us OMG UGH." I say "yes we do actually, one second" as I pull my phone out and my phone unlocks via FaceID. I open up Photos and click the video I took in the bathroom. 

I turn my volume up as loud as it'll go as the video of the floor in the stall and the sound of K's voice pours through my phone's speakers. The video stops and I turn my phone off while smiling. They look horrified then their expression changes to relief. Nadia says "I think we need to take a trip to the police station." And as much as I really didn't feel like driving rn we all got up and went outside to my car. My poor little Malibu is tired of all this driving I know it is.

 We get in, I press the button and my car starts as I hear the chevy startup tone. I connect my phone to the charger and CarPlay automatically starts. I click and hold the apps button until Siri appears and I say "take me to the police station please." And Siri thinks for a moment and says "Okay! Which one?" She pulls up a list of police station's nearby and I select the first one, our town's police station."

 She immediately opens Maps and we hear "starting route to (my town) police station" We reverse out of the driveway and get on the road. It takes us about 5 minutes to get there and when we pull up in the parking spot I turn my car off and unplug my phone. We all get out and walk in. There's a small line of like two people so we go wait a few minutes before we are at the desk.

 (I definitely didn't catch a crush for the guy who's about my age at the desk as I walked in) I say "Hello, we'd like to report someone for sexual harassment and potential kidnapping." His eyes go wide (I cant help but love that it looks so attractive for no reason) and he says "wow okay, can you fill this out for me?" He hands me a clipboard and I say out loud "sure!" But in my head I say "Anything for you"we sit down and I start filling stuff out. Nadia says "can I borrow your phone for a sec I forgot mine in the car" and I say "sure" and hand her my phone. 

She stares at my phone for a few seconds, taps it's a couple of times and then finally gasps. I look up immediately and say "what?"she points my phone at me and I see it's the conversation with Alex. I deleted his number so it was showing as a random number now. That's what that number was earlier that I assumed was spam OHHHH.

 (Told you to remember that) she kept scrolling up and I say "look I didn't want you to worry omg. I was still trying to figure out how to save us both." She says "I know and thank you, BUT STILL. HE COULD OF RAPED ME REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU TOLD ANYONE." We realize that everyone's staring at us now and I quietly say but loud enough for everyone to hear "sorry *nervous chuckle*" and London starts to laugh silently and whispers to us between laughs "im going to the car so y'all can't embarrass me anymore."

 I look back to Nadia and say "look, we will finish talking about this in the car, these people are getting nosy." As I finish the form. And she says "agreed." We go back to the desk and give him the paper. He says "ok then! We will get this processed and in the meantime try to stay away from the assaulter. I say "well um, the assaulter is my history teacher. Kinda hard to stay away from him." 

His eyes goes wide again (gosh I just love his eyes and that voice) and he says "oh wow. We will contact the school right now after you leave and try to have this report filed and processed before you go back Monday. Sound good?" I say "perfect! Thank you." He says "of course! Stay safe."  We get in the car and  I look at the time. It's 3:47. I say "OH SHOOT, I need to be on my way to chick fil a!" I press the button and my car starts and I immediately put it in reverse and back out of the parking space then put it in drive and drive out of the parking lot. 

I finally answer nadia and London's questions of "why?" I say "Ken Parker is meeting me there." They both say "KEN? You hate Ken though." I click the messages icon on the dashboard on CarPlay and click Ken's name and say "look" and they look at the screen and Nadia scrolls through it for them both. I knew Nadia would most likely shut me down and say "No, no no. We ain't going to meet with that roach."

 (That's her ex. Yes I was best friends with my best friends ex but at the moment me and Nadia weren't friends. Me and Ken were friends. Nadia was dating Ken around that time. Yes its very confusing) but to my surprise she smiles and says "let's go get that chicken sandwich!" And we all say "ayyyy!" She clicks the back button on the convo and sees Ken Anderson's name. She says "what Ken doing up in your messages boyyy" with a slick face and she clicks it. They read the together and nadia scrolls and they both yell "YOUR GOING ON A DATE?" Loudly to the point where I swerved in my lane.

 I say back "YES, gosh dang, I was gonna tell yall but we got caught up in all the drama so I decided I'll wait to later. " They both get this sly look and look at each other and Nadia says "well, after this little association with Ken P, we need to go straight home and get you all fancy for your date boy!" I shake my head and said "whatever" while laughing. We pull up at chick fil a at 3:57 and Nadia points out Ken P's little 2007 Toyota Corolla. Ew. If y'all hotties drive a 2007 Corolla in real life, I promise I'm not talking to y'all omg y'all whip y'all corollas and get it sis, it's just his in general lol.

 I park right next to his car so when we finish this up, Ken P can see me hop into luxury. I turn the car off and we get out and lock the car. We walk inside and I see Ken P in the back corner. He didn't know I was bringing backup though so he started looking annoyed so I tell Nadia and London "go find a table nearby, close enough to hear but not too close." They said "okay" quietly and walk off and I go and sit down in the booth with Ken P. I say "so what's this about?" He stares silently for a moment at me until I finally say "hello? I didn't come here to be stared at." He keeps staring.

 I say finally "BOY, I got important places to be so if you don't say sum I'm walking out. I notice my order on the table. The chicken sandwich combo omg he got it for me. I pick it up and start eating it. I say finally "okay fine, thanks for wasting my time" and I get my meal and put it back in the bag and motion to Nadia and London "let's go."

 As I'm walking away I hear Ken say pretty loudly "WAIT" loud enough for the whole restaurant to start looking at us. I walk back and say "What? I'm not wasting my time here Ken if your just gonna stare. " He says "sorry. I just forgot what I was gonna say after I saw...." His voice trails off then picks up "you." I give him a tired look and say "oh really?" in a sarcastic voice.

 His expression changes to a half smile half scowl which looks crazy which actually concerns me. He says "I'm tired of your smart comments. I want a smart man though. I want you. Nobody else can have you but me. Tell me you want me. Tell me NOW." I can feel Nadia and London staring mouths wide open from behind me. I'm not dating him though.

 I squint my eyes and say "read the words coming off my lips. NO. I'm not dating you."

 He goes quiet and sits there silent. Besides, I still got my man Ken A to meet which reminds me, what time is it? I flick my watch and see 4:15. I don't need to leave yet but I feel like leaving though. I stand up and say "well, this hasn't been fun so I'm leaving now. Buh bye." He sits there staring into space as I walk to the door, Nadia and London following behind.

We get in the car and close our doors and turn the car on. The doors automatically lock so thankfully when Ken shows up out of nowhere pounding on the window like a madman and violently tries my door handle , trying to open my door.

 I yell at him "boy if you break my door handle, i will get out this car and come over there and knock some sense into your dumbass. you and that corolla." He stops and stares at me. I look into his eyes. That's not Ken. That's somebody else. Somebody who's been through a lot and is clearly mentally unstable. He looks insane.

He walks off to his corolla. I back out and leave in a hurry, just in case he tries anything else. I don't trust him.

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