Chapter 26- I Guess Yall Missed Me?

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I wake up an hour and a half later. My mom has left. My dad is still there, but he's dozing off to sleep. I look over at my phone, still charging, and grab it and see if it's turned on yet. It's at 75%. More than enough for me to make a phone call. I unplug it, and try to remember how my phone layout was and where I put everything. I finally find the phone app, and scroll through my contacts and find "London" in it, and press "Call".

The call starts ringing, which wakes up my dad, and he takes the hint to leave the room to give me privacy. My dad has been really great through this all, even though he still doesn't support me. Wish I could say the same about my mother, but that's a long story. I'm snapped out of my thoughts, when the rings stop and I hear a panicked, familiar, confused voice say "h..hello??" And I say "Y'all thought you were free from me, right?" With a light laugh, and my phones rings again. She's FaceTiming me. I switch the call to a FaceTime, and see a familiar face, known as my best friend. She's mouth wide open, and gasps and drops the phone and starts crying when she sees my face.

We cry on FaceTime, and catch up for awhile. We talk about boys, what happened when I was in my coma, life, all the work I missed, and whether or not my job stuck even has me hired. We just talk like.. we were the only ones in the world, who mattered.

After a hour, and a half passes, a text slides down from my screen, and it's my dad telling me that the doctors wanted to come check on me, and that I might want to get off the phone. I tell London that I have to go, and hang up. Right as my dad walks in, I'm scrolling through my messages and see all my old messages, and even some new ones, but I don't have enough time to really analyze them all, and see anything specific.

I set my phone back on the nightstand, on the charger. My dad and a doctor walk in. No mom. I know she's been awful, and is terrible for doing this to me, but she's still my mother. I still love and respect her, and have compassion for her.

The doctor starts talking first, and explains the good news, and that I'm healing, and that I can be out of the hospital by late next week. That feels so far away, but I did just wake up from a coma, so I guess I should hush.

He finishes up checking my vitals, and check my pulses, and the doctor leaves the room and my Dad stays in the room. I dreaded this part because I know it's probably time for me and my Dad to talk. To my surprise, my Dad instead goes "Are you happy?" which catches me off guard. I raise my eyebrows and say "Hm?" And he repeats himself. I think long and hard and I finally say "... I've never really been HAPPY. Having a good time? Sure. Genuinely being happy with life? No... not really." He looks down at the floor, as if he's thinking about something, and I think about it, and decide to say "You know, I don't mean to disrespect you or Mom, but you never really gave me a chance to be happy, being... like that."

 He stares at me, and I think for a second that he's about to lash out at me, but instead he says "I just.. I don't feel normal supporting that... but I still love you enough to let you be yourself. You say you were like this.. since you were a kid?" I shake my head and say "As far as I know, yes." He props his head up on his fists, and say "You know your mother will never... go for this, right?" I shake my head without doubt and say "Oh, obviously. I don't really need you guys to support me, I just want you guys to not treat me like I'm some distant son, who purposely did this to y'all." He shakes his head yes, and says "As long as you're happy, I'm fine. I'm still not ready to hear about the details about the.. people you like, but maybe one day, I guess." 

That's all I wanted to hear. It felt like a surreal dream. Even though my mom wasn't there, I still felt like all my dreams had came true, and things were finally going to be okay.

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