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Part 9

You hear the door to the bathroom open and feet on the floor but you sit on the seat with your legs up and try to hold your breath. They eventually leave and you breath out a huge breath before hearing Debbie saying

Debbie - "Constance must have locked it drunk at the party for a joke."

They find Lou and ask where you are. She tells them and you hear Tammy open the door and say your name.

You're silent.

Tammy - "Y/n please i need to talk to your face."

You open the door slowly but stay sat on the toilet lid listening to her.

Tammy - "Y/n look I... I've been thinking and maybe we should-"

Y/n - "Stay friends?"

Tammy - "Uh yeah how did you know-"

Y/n - "I'm not an idiot."

Tammy - "Oh okay well will you be okay because I don't want you-"

Y/n - "Tammy... I'll be fine. You know me... always fine. You just do your thing and I'll do mine. Nothing else needs to be said okay."

You go to get up and walk past her but she grabs your wrist.

Tammy - "Thank you. You're the best."

You smile and she hugs you before you then leave to see a nervous Lou and Debbie waiting outside.

Debbie - "Hey hunny are you okay?"

Lou - "Y/n? Y/n wait a second!"

But you've ignored them both and are already outside again.

Lou comes after you and sees you in a ball crying your eyes out.

Lou - "Hey! Hey it's okay I've got you come here."

You let her hug you as you cry and cry until it stops hurting so good anymore and makes you feel ill.

You catch your breath and wipe your face with Lous help and Lou goes to talk to you.

Lou - "I'm sorry."

Y/n - "For what?"

Lou - "For trying to give you false hope. I just didn't want you to be-"

Y/n - "Sad. Upset. Hurt."

Lou - "Y/n please i-"

Y/n - "It's fine Lou seriously. I'm used to it and I've come to terms with that now. I'm sorry too by the way you didn't deserve that shit I gave you so I truly do apologise..."

Lou - "It's okay sweetheart I've got you."

Y/n - "I've got you too...

You both hug once more and then you cut off the moment.

Y/n - "Now, if you will excuse me, I need a smoke."

You get up and take out your lighter lighting a cigarette and putting you arm down while you lean onto the wall.

Lou - "Really?"

You ignore her.

Lou - "You're gonna keep smoking?"

Y/n - "Baby I never started remember..."

She laughs slightly and gets up too taking a drag.

You both calm down and then head back inside.

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