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Part 12

You get up early the next day and feel dirty so you get into the shower, making sure it's not cold this time. Once you're out you just stare at your body in the mirror. You hate it. You hate everything about what is staring back at you. The body no one wants. The person no one loves.

You just want to cover it all up and make it look completely different. This drive makes you put clothes on, try to fix your hair and you head out before everyone wakes up. As your walking you come across the nearest tattoo and piercing studio. You stare at the stuff in the window until a women opens the door and ushers you in.

She asks what you want done and you tell her you want your ears pierced in several places as well as your septum. You've always wanted it done but been scared to. She nods taking you to read and sign a sheet, pay and pick your jewellery before taking you to get them done. They're done within a few minutes and you're getting the aftercare information when you notice a girl walk past with a tattoo gun.

You want to ignore her but there's something about her that just draws you in and makes you curious. Like her aura took over my mind and fixated my eyes onto her.

She notices you looking and asks if she can help you and you freeze and say yes.

"Oh okay Umm just come with me to my office and I can hook you up with something."

You get up thanking the piercer and walk into her office.

Devin - "Hi I'm Devin by the way and what can I do for you?"

Y/n - "Hi umm Devin... umm I'm y/n..."

You're fixated on her eyes and the name behind her is perfect. That is until she speaks again and snaps you back to reality.

Devin - "So... y/n... what can I do for you?"

Y/n - "I want a tattoo."

Devin - "Okay and what were you thinking?"

Y/n - "Oh umm I'm umm not sure."

Stop being so dumb y/n why would you even come here without an idea that's so stupid for fucks sake!

Devin - "Okay that's fine we can go over designs and you can pick one. Umm may I ask why you want it done?"

She seems kind and alternative so she may understand women problems and so you trust and tell her about your situation with Tammy and she smiles.

Y/n - "Hey!"

Devin - "Oh no sorry I just... I thought you were fruity but it's just hard to tell unless they confirm it."

Y/n - "Oh..."

Devin - "But umm yeah I feel you. I had a similar experience with this student at the local university. We met in a group and were friendly for a while. She was experimenting and well I caught feelings fast and she did for the three rounds one night before she left for class that morning and I never saw her again."

You laugh slightly as she talks and she smiles before you continue to chat with her as she shows you designs.

Devin - "How about this one?"

Y/n - "It's beautiful."

You've always wanted a tattoo and this one is subtle and you like it a lot.

She smiles and takes the payment before starting the tat.

You chat the whole time she tattoos you and then once you're done you end up getting a few more little ones here and there that she says are on the house for your bad day. Then she puts her arms on your shoulders while showing you the finished result in the mirror.

Her touch on your shoulders makes you nervous but it's even stronger as you don't even know her yet.

You love the tattoo and give her a huge hug thanking her loads. You let her wrap it up and tell you the aftercare for it and then go to head out but she stops you.

Devin - "Hey umm I get off in 5 for my break so umm would you maybe like to go find somewhere to eat?"

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