Devins back

536 22 7

Part 22

It's the morning and you're woke up as your phone rings and it's Devin.

You answer and she asks where you are as you didn't come home the day after the fight to get your stuff.

You tell her you stayed at Lous and made up with everyone and she says it's great and she needs to talk to you. You go to arrange something when she says she wants to meet now and she's outside.

You're confused how she knew and she says your maps are on and so you get out of Tammy's arms and put your clothes back on heading out to her.

She kisses you and you end up walking to the water nearby to talk and watch the sunrise.

Devin - "Look baby i'm sorry about not telling you I was leaving. The truth is that I was just enjoying being with you that I didn't want to spoil to moment."

You're silent.

Devin - "Look y/n I know you're upset with me and I get it but I don't have to go."

Y/n - "What do you mean?"

Devin - "Well... tink I really do like you and if you want to stay here I will too. There will be other opportunities for me maybe some even bigger but the chance at being with you here right now is a one time thing so who am I to stay away from that. I love you y/n and I'm falling more and more for you everyday and I just wanted to ask you if you would be my girlfriend?"

Your brain is thinking so fast and your breathing is going faster and all you can do it cry.

Devin notices and grabs you and you let her but after a while you pull her away and tell her you need to tell her something.

You tell her about Tammy and how she apologised and you were so hurt by her saying she was going to leave you that you made it all worse for yourself and kissed Tammy. That you guys got carried away and ended up in bed last night and that you're so sorry.

Surprisingly Devin isn't upset at you and you're confused until she blames it on Tammy. For chucking you aside and then when you're vulnerable making you feel like she wants you for one more night.

Your heads all over the place but Devins is just filled with rage. She kisses your head and heads to Lous. You run after her but before you know it she's inside and shouting.

Devin - "Who the fuck is Tammy?!"

Lou tries to stop her and tell her to leave but she sees you and realises who it is.

Tammy - "Who the fuck are you?"

Devin - "I'm Devin... y/n's girlfriend if you hadn't noticed. Or wait is that because you thought you could catch her when she was low and fuck her for old times sake huh?"

Tammy - "Look Devin I don't know who you think you are but you have no right to come in here and shout at me like it's my fault!"

Devin - "Oh and why's that then?"

Tammy - "Because you're the one who told her you were leaving! That you had fun and then dumped her!"

Devin - "Oh that's rich coming from you Tammy! You think I don't know all about you! Huh? About you leading her on and making her feel like you liked her to the point where you fucked her and then left her in bed alone with her thoughts! Do you have any idea how fucked up that is?! Huh? That poor girl was crushed when I found her and I made her happy! Until you came in when she was down again and completely disregarded that she's mine! She's my girlfriend and I didn't even get a chance to tell her that I decided to stay here for her because I love her before you came in and made her believe you really did like her!"

Tammy - "Devin I didn't know that..."

Devin - "Yeah you wouldn't but a normal person would have some respect for them not to go that far. "

Devin turns around and leaves past you as you stand in Lous arms crying and you run after her.

Hey angels I hope you're all doing okay. I'm currently writing a new story where you're a member brought into the group during the heist. The main people would be Tammy, Lou, Debbie, daphne and rose. So if you gays are interested let me know! :)

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