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Part 24

As soon as the door closes Devin gets up and hugs Tammy. Although they don't know each other you know they have respect.

You then sit and start to talk.

Tammy - "Look Devin I really didn't know that you were planning on staying. Y/n had been having a bad day and when we finally apologised our emotions where just so high that it happened. I hadn't spoken to her properly and in a good manner for what felt like forever and so yes it did get the better of us. Of me and I understand that you two have something and I want you to know that I accept and respect that."

Devin smiles but after hearing more about why Tammy left and how the night actually went on between you both she's torn. Knowing how close you both were as you told her at your tattoo appointment, she knows her being here isn't right. Hearing you talk so highly of Tammy and the smile you give as you tell her what happened she knows she's in the way. It hurts a lot but it's the truth.

Devin asks to speak to you alone and Tammy and Lou leave talking to Debbie about what happened.

Devin - "Look y/n I love you so so much I really do but we both know how you feel towards Tammy. It's obvious and I knew that before I even got to know you myself. I saw the spark in your eye as you spoke about her then and I see it now too. You may love me but I don't think you're in love with me."

Y/n - "What? What do you mean?"

Devin - "I mean that we had a good run and I'm glad that I met you. That I do love you with all of my heart and this is paining me to say but I think you love Tammy. I think you're amazing I really do and I wish we could make it work but I think this is the universe telling us to stop and if it is then I think it's what's best for us. I will never stop loving you and I know you won't either I just think it's time."

You're crying but deep down you know she's right.

You kiss her hard as you both cry. You sit in her lap crying in her arms until you both pull it together and have one final kiss.

Y/n - "You mean so much to me vin and I hope you know that."

She smiles taking your hand and kissing it before you both get up and say good bye. Then you head out arm in arm until Devin gives your hand to Tammy.

Tammy looks at her confused and Devin just smiles and whispers to her.

Devin - "Promise to love and take care of her for me Tammy. She's an angel."

She grabs Tammy hand and squeezes it before saying bye to everyone and leaving.

Your emotions are still raw so you say you're going outside for some air and Lou comes up so you don't end up crying for ages knowing she can cheer you up.

You sit leaning on the wall again and Lou sits next to you. She expects you to smoke but you don't. She looks at you and you smile through teary eyes and take a deep breath so she knows you're okay.

Hey angels sorry it's been a while I've just moved back to uni. Hope you're days are going well.

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