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Part 25

The next day you get a message from Devin saying she's leaving tonight but she wanted to say goodbye properly and so you agree to meet her. You stayed alone in your room last night as Tammy was giving you space but you couldn't sleep so you ended up going into hers and snuggling into her anyway like you used to.

Tammy helps you get ready for meeting Devin and you walk to the station.

She stops close by and let's you walk in alone and says she'll be waiting outside for when you come back.

As you head in you see her stood there waiting for you and it makes you smile. You can tell this is good for you both and you head towards her. She notices you and runs toward you hugging you tight.

You say your goodbyes and as you're about to go and turn around she puts a jacket over your shoulders.

It's the one she gave you when you first met and you smile.

Devin - "Keep it. It looks better on you anyway tink."

You smile and hug her again pecking her lips. Putting the jacket on you properly.

Devin - "Right now go and show Tammy who's boss baby."

You turn to her and she winks so smile walk away.

You meet Tammy again and she loves the jacket.

Tammy - "Oo baby you look so good!"

You laugh as she kisses your neck and you walk away.

Once you get back Lou freaks that you're wearing the jacket she likes again and you laugh.

Tammy - "Hey hey i wanna take it off come here."

Tammy grabs you arm and pulls you upstairs and you both do it. It's so magical and passionate and you know that this is where you're supposed to be.

She holds you tight after and kisses your head softly before getting up to find the jacket. You're confused as to what she needs it for and then you see the ring in her hand. Devin's ring.

Tammy - "Right. I've been wanting to ask you this for a while and a new friend of mine recommended that this is the only way to do it for an angel so...

Y/n y/ln will you be my girlfriend?"

You smile and say yes kissing her hard and she laughs putting the ring on your finger while kissing it.

You both freak out and get dressed before telling Lou and Debbie the news and they scream too. You all celebrate that night drinking and partying with the other girls and that's when you notice that Rose is all over daphne.

You all notice and laugh as they notice and give up caring continuing their kissing session.

You get a message on your phone and as you check you see it's from Devin.

Hey Tink
Heard the good news and I'm so happy for you! Have fun celebrating!
Vin <3

Tammy comes up behind you and puts her arms around you and whispers.

Tammy - "My angel."

You smile and turn to kiss her.

Maybe you weren't a one night thing after all.

Hey angels this is the end of this story. I've been writing another but I'm gonna keep looking over it before I post anything.

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