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Part 17

Y/n - "Hey get off me!"

Tammy - "Please. I want to talk to you!"

Y/n - "Tammy please... I will, I promise but I'm so tired. My eyes are barely open right now and it's only a matter of time until I'm passed out so I think I need some rest."

It's deep in the night anyway so she lets you go. You pass out in your bed and because you're prone to leaving early the girls sneak into your room to check up on you.

Lou told Tammy what she knew, which was just the name of the girl, as she saw it in the tag of the jacket when she tried it on. They are so worried as they don't even know much about her that Tammy realises that they might be able to find out more about her by checking your phone.

Lou isn't sure about it but she gives in as after the way you spoke to Tammy the other day she's been getting more and more concerned.

As Tammy picks up your phone to read it you wake up as Lou picked up the ring she gave you and puts it down too fast that it echoes in the room. You get up and grab your phone out of Tammy hands screaming at them to get out.

Y/n - "What do you think your doing?"

Tammy - "Wait a second we were just-"

Y/n - "Just what?! Looking through my fucking phone!"

Lou - "Hey wait-"

Y/n - "No Lou I'm sick of it. I've told you before and I'm telling you again okay! I'm fine and Devin is a good women. She wouldn't do anything to hurt me and the fact that you guys are so concerned for me is just pissing me off! She's the only person I've felt like I can say anything to and not feel judged and for once in my life I'm actually happy so you know what!"

Lou - "Y/n what are you doing?"

Y/n - "I'm fucking off lou! You can all manage without me here and to be honest Tammy seeing you just isn't something I think is good for me right now so I'm leaving."

Tammy - "Leaving?"

Y/n - "Yes! Yes Tam I'm leaving so get the fuck out and let me pack!"

You push them both out and slam the door packing your stuff through tears. You then run out as they shout for you and head to Devins.

After that, Devin let's you stay at hers for a bit as you have nowhere else to go and it's all going well with you both. That is until she became distant after she came home from work one night. She just seemed off. You asked her what's wrong but she just smiled and tried to show you she's fine by doing you.

You're still having fun apart from off times until one night where she's so distant that you have to speak to someone and get their opinion.

Lou and Tammy kept messaging and calling you but you never replied. It hurt to see their notifications and ignore them especially Tammy as you were so close and you really did like her. That is until you gave in and replied to Lou as she would be easier to talk to than Tammy right now.

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