"I'll see you soon" (2)

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"I'll see you soon, I promise." 

The emergency bells rung, signalling everyone to exit Hera Palace as quickly as possible. The Hera Kids evacuate the last batch of people away towards the lift. And that is it. The last lift was about to depart from the venue.

"Come quick!!!!" Mari ordered them as they rushed to the lift.

All of them entered the lift.

"The bomb might explode at any moment," Mari spoke worriedly. They were all filled with fear.

Yet, as the lift door was preparing for the last closure, Seokkyung spotted a girl tripping her way out, struggling. She had scraped her knee badly from escaping and her puppy escaped from her embrace as she falls. She desperately calls out for help, but there was no one left around and she could not stand back on her feet.

She cried.

That moment, Seokkyung held onto the elevator door, preventing it from closing.

"Wait!" She yelled. "I need to help her!"

Minhyuk grabs onto her. "Ya! Are you crazy? It's dangerous!"

"Get out of my way!" Seokkyung rushed out to support the weak girl.

It reminded her of all the sins she did in the past. If she didn't reach out this time, she would condemn herself.

She ran to the weak girl's side and held onto her.

The Hera kids all looked at each other and ran out without a doubt, giving a hand to Seokkyung.

Mari held tightly to the closing elevator door, ignoring the protests of the residents.

She has to protect these children at all costs.

"They are coming back wait!!!!!" She screamed.

Jenny went with Seokkyung to give a helping hand to the weak girl.

The girl cried, "my puppy!" She searches for it. 

"Get to the lift first!" Rona called to Jenny and Seokkyung. 

"Seokhoon-ah, we need to get the puppy!" She points to the little pup that was running away to hide. 

Minhyuk followed behind Seokhoon and Rona, helping out to catch the little puppy. The three scramble and runs, trying their best to catch the escaping puppy. 

They raced after it but it just wouldn't submit.

Luckily Rona got hold of the puppy as it was losing its direction towards the wall, and Seokhoon scoops the puppy up into his arms and they all started running towards the lift. 

Rona sighs in relief,  turns to see Seokhoon, "Seokhoon come! Quick!" They ran to the lift. 

"Aishhh these people," Minhyuk complained, but he caught after them and ran behind the two. 

However, as after Rona entered, the lift's alarm goes off, indicating the exceeding number of people on the lift. 

Seokhoon and Minhyuk were forced to be left outside the lift. 

"Noooo!!!!" Mari called out, worried for the kids. 

But nothing could be done. 

Something About Us- Oneshot Seokhoon x Rona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now