🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄

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Yoonseok and Rogyo tiptoed as they decorated the Christmas tree with their nanny.

"Nancy!" Yoonseok pouted. "How come we can't put the star on our tree yet?"

The kid's nanny smiled at Yoonseok's silly whining.

"Your parents are soon to be back from their Christmas Eve concert and they said to wait for them to tip the star." The nanny brushed Yoonseok's hair gently. "See that's why tonight you can stay past bedtime."

"I wanna tip the star now!" Yoonseok whined.

Rogyo got affected by her brother and soon whined together with her brother. Their nanny got a little overwhelmed by the two kids.

Just then her rescue came.

"Oh, why am I hearing some whining?" Seokhoon spoke as he walked into his house and put down his bag. He was still in his suit and Rona followed behind dressed in her majestic beige shimmering gown.

"Mr and Mrs Joo." The nanny greeted them. "They got a little frustrated about decorating the Christmas tree." She laughed.

Seokhoon went in and grabbed his two kids quickly in his arms and lifted them high in his embrace.

"Oh really." Seokhoon commented, "somebody is impatient."

Rona giggled at the scenario. She turned to the nanny and thanked her for her time.

"Merry Christmas, Nancy. Thanks for taking care of Yoonseok and Rogyo."

The nanny nodded and exited the household, leaving the family of four to their precious Christmas time together.

Rona took off her fluffy long coat on the sofa and went to Seokhoon's embrace to collect Rogyo in her arms.

"Aww, my daughter got tears over her pink cheeks." Rona brushed away the tears on Rogyo's cheeks.

"Omma, Oppa was whining so I followed and I cried. We want to tip the star now."

Seokhoon and Rona exchanged a look and giggled at their two kids.

"Yoonseok, we are going to tip the star now okay." Seokhoon laughed as he brushed his son's hair, "you didn't have to whine."

"You guys were taking so long." Yoonseok honestly spoke. "Rogyo was getting sleepy."

Rona and Seokhoon laughed at Yoonseok's explanation and nodded. "Nae, Appa and Omma are sorry. We got a little tied up from the concert."

"Better be." The little boy stated.

The family exchanged some looks and giggled at each other.

Rona settled Rogyo down and went to the decoration box to get the star.

"Okay, my dearies, we are ready to tip the star!" Rona took Rogyo in one hand and the star in another.

As the clock strikes 12am, the family of four placed the perfectly glittering golden star on their Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas!!!!!" The two little rascals squealed with excitement.

Seokhoon and Rona laughed as the two little kids started running around the household.

"Apparently they aren't tired." Seokhoon spoke to Rona.

Rona smiled. "We better settle them down."

Seokhoon then suddenly charged at the two kids, and they had a chase down, before catching them finally.

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