Blue Memories

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Rona looked at the blue puppy keychain hanging on the cold metal handle of her unwelcoming 'home' in Hera Palace. 

Piercing feelings of betrayal engulfed her last sense of hope for this cruel place. 

She looked at the destruction made to the entryway to her house, making her heart die down. 

 The hard puppy figurine in her hand became the scorching pain in her hand, as she grips onto it aggressively. 

Tears rolled down uncontrollably. The depressive thoughts she has. 

"Joo Seokhoon, you bastard." 

The way she remembered the smile Seokhoon had on his face when he received this handmade gift, made her doubt the true identities of people. How someone could have faked their feelings and expressions just to make someone happy, for even the slightest moments. 

Rona screamed in silence as she throws the keychain on the floor. 

The keychain was instantly dusted up with flour, messed in the egg yolks. 

With an stomp of depressive and furious emotions, she destroyed the only link she had between her and Seokhoon. 

If this is the end of us, then let it be the end. 

The little lost blue puppy, was instantly smashed into pieces. 

Rona scrunched herself up into a small ball, crying uncontrollably, as she regrets her move. 

But it was like fate. None could be done. 

What was meant to be shattered, has broken into pieces of lost memories? 

From the corner, a tall figure absorbed everything that has happened. 

He was stunned, shocked, saddened. 

"I'm sorry... Rona..." He bit his lips as tears ran down his face like a pouring waterfall. 

His body shivered to the traumatising pain that is going down his body. 

"It's all my fault. Blame them on me..." He spoke. "But I can't...risk it for you. Yet." 

He repeated to himself, this is just temporary, 

He shall be confident to go back to Rona's side, to truly like her, soon. 

But who is he to fool... he did the wrong thing. 

They say, if you do not grasp the chance, you will lose it. 

Blue blue memories. 

Lost lost memories. 

Though I wish we never fell apart, it made us who we are, but at least we left a mark. 

- The Butterfly Effect 

"Prima Donna, congratulations." 

Rona dressed in a beautiful gown in baby blue colour, turned to a welcoming arms of a massive bouquet of blue roses. 

Her assistant brought in the bouquet of blue roses. 

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