46. A Plan

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When you have nothing else worth losing, you place all your cards on the table in a gamble and hope that it'll pay off.

The following week, Kosi searched his contacts for Doctor Audu's phone number but it wasn't there. In a slight panic, he searched his wallet and found his card. He let out a breath in relief and dialled the number on the card.

'Hello? Dr. Audu?'

'Yes? Who's this please?'

'It's Mr. Ogbonna.'

The person on the other line was silent.

'Dr. Audu please. I know she's staying with you. I need to talk to her.'

He sighed heavily. 'I'm not her Doctor anymore so I can't stop you from seeing your wife.' Kosi released a breath he didn't realise he was holding. 'But... I'll have to let her know that you're coming. In the end, it's her choice.' 

Kosi nodded in understanding even though he knew the Doctor couldn't see him.

'That's... understandable. Just... just let her know I want... no need to talk to her.'

'Alright. I'll get back to you before the end of today.'

The line went dead and Kosi let out a deep sigh.

David, I really hope this works. Kosi murmured under his breath. Eva...


Few hours later, there was a knock at the door.

'Good afternoon, Mr. Amos, Mrs. Amos.' Kosi greeted the couple and welcomed them into his house. 'I'm guessing David explained everything to you.' Kosi said as he looked at them. Mrs. Amos was heavily pregnant and she placed her hand protectively over her stomach. Mr. Amos, kept his arm lovingly around his wife's shoulders. Kosi felt a familiar longing in his heart when he saw how warm and cozy they looked.  

They nodded their heads in agreement. Their faces were beaming. Kosi immediately led them to the parlour to sit down. Once they were comfortably seated, Mrs. Amos started speaking.

'As you can see, our baby is due soon ...' She started while rubbing her stomach. '... our house is too small to raise a child and hopefully more.' She beamed as she looked up at her husband and he kissed her forehead, a smile on his face.
'David said you both have been friends since secondary school.' Mr. Amos began shifting his focus to Kosi. 'David and I are colleagues at work. When he told me that you are looking for a buyer for your three-bedroom house, I was hopeful. When he told me the price you're willing to sell it for... I was excited and felt it was too good to be true. That's why I decided to make an appointment with you. We needed to see the house and if it's really good, find out from you personally why you're willing to sell it for this low. It is kind of suspicious.'

Kosi smiled. 'I completely understand your concerns. My wife...' He paused. 'My wife and I are moving to a bigger house. We plan to have lots of children and we need space for practice.' Kosi said, winking at them.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

'We totally get that. When my wife and I were newly wedded we couldn't keep our hands off each other.'

'Tobenna! Stop jo!' She said, embarrassed pushing him playfully.

'Ah Martha, isn't it too late to pretend?' He said playfully while looking at her protruding stomach.

Martha bent her head and used her hand to cover her face. Kosi looked at them with deep longing and got up.

'Do you guys need anything? I have drinks...'

'Water is fine for me. Martha, do you want anything?'

'Water for me too. Thank you.'

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