43. Confrontation

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In order to move forward, it is important for us to put our foot down and take a stand because wavering for even the slightest moment could prove deadly.

Eva turned to face the sea. She remained like that for a few seconds as if drawing strength from it before finally responding. Her face softened.

'I am done with this.' She said motioning between her and Ebuka. 'With whatever this is and with you.'

Ebuka's calm face wavered a bit but he quickly regained control.

'Eva, mi amor, we are bound together by fate. You cannot simply be done with it.'

Eva shook her head from side to side, her eyes were closed, Ben's words floating into her mind. When she opened them, she seemed more determined than ever.

'Ebuka, I don't care for you the way you want me to and I will never have an affair with you. I love myself too much to do such with you.'

Ebuka's eyes went cold.

'You wound me mi amor. How can you speak to me in such manner when all I have done is shown you how much I want to have you in my life?'

Eva's eyes softened at his words and she leaned forward a little to address Ebuka.

'I didn't want to have to do this Ebuka. You forced my hand.'

Ebuka smirked.

'If I remember correctly, it was Kosi, your loving husband that forced your hand and made you, willingly if I might add, follow me to my hotel room.'

Eva stiffened at the casual way Ebuka tossed her troubled relationship with Kosi at her face. She leaned back on her seat, trying hard to control the emotions raging within her.

'The same loving husband, who chased you out of your matrimonial home in order to have rough passionate sex with his best friend.'


Eva demanded as she slammed her palm on the table. The plates and cutleries clattered and people people around them turned to glance in their direction. Ebuka, however, remained calm, a small smile on his face as Eva bent her face, struggling to control her raging emotions.

'I refuse to sit here and allow you to disrespect me or my husband.'

Ebuka raised an eyebrow, titling his head slightly at her.

'You barged into my life...'

'More like, you bumped into mine.'

'...and seduce me...'

'I showed you the cracks that were already there mi amor. The ones you refuse to see because you are so blinded by what you think is love for your husband.'

Eva's eyes were like slits as she stared at Ebuka with deadly eyes. Then like a snap of a finger, her expression switched from cold anger to plain indifference. she relaxed her back against her seat, taking the glass of wine with her.

'Alright Ebuka. I've heard you and I agree, there were cracks in my marriage. So what?'

Ebuka cautiously observed Eva's sudden change in demeanor, not saying anything yet. Sensing this, Eva continued, looking him dead in the eye.

'What do you want Chukwuebuka?'

Ebuka was taken aback and it clearly showed in his expression.

'Yes. What do you want? I am here, having a drink with you.' She said as she took a casual sip of the drink in her hand. 'I'm basically separated from my husband- just like you wanted, if I might add- so what do you want? Hmm?'

When Ebuka said nothing in response Eva let out a soft laugh.

'What are you going to say? Will you call me mi amor and say that you want me?' Eva shook her head her head side to side before throwing it back and letting out a louder laugh that was carried by the wind.

Ebuka seemed clearly annoyed by her mocking tone. Eva stopped laughing, her gaze turned seriously as she looked at Ebuka, with a slight tilt of her head.

'I'm even more curious to understand what your plan was after I regained my memories. I always perceived you to be a smart man but did you perhaps hope that I would never regain my memories or was your plan to somehow knock me over the head like some cartoon character just to keep the amnesia going?'

Eva's eyes were cold as she spoke, eyes that were in complete contrast to the warm smile on her face.

'Or... could it be? You assumed I would somehow fall in love with a man that did everything he could to ruin my marriage because you what? Love me?' She let out a cynical laugh. 'This isn't a movie Chukwuebuka. This is my fucking life. And I am warning you for the last time, if you do not get the hell out of it, I will use whatever power I have at my disposal to stick as many law suits I can against you.' Eva smirked as she noticed Ebuka's jaw tighten.

'Off the top of my head, misrepresentation, deceit, harassment, undue influence? I'm sure a reasonable judge would happily grant a Court Order against you for any one of them.'

Ebuka let out a sigh as he stood, calmly arranging his outfit. He took out his wallet and dropped some cash on the table. For a few seconds, he said nothing, as he tucked his wallet in his back pocket before finally facing Eva.

'I'll leave you alone as you wish but before I go I want to remind you of the conversation we had right here, at this very spot, just a few months ago.'

Eva was quiet for the first time since she began her tirade.

'If you recall I mentioned that the Eva I knew was a force to reckon with, impulsive, fun, had a way with words...'

Eva looked at him like she had been transported back in time to the very first day she bumped into him at the ATM.

'...if anything, I am glad I finally caught that side of you tonight. You made your point painfully clear. Goodbye Eva.'

He said this with a slight smile on his face as he walked confidently away from Eva and hopefully her life.

Eva remained seated for a little while longer. Just staring at the water, lost in thought. Remembering when things were simpler. Before the accident, the accusations, the seduction, Ebuka... when she and Kosi were two careless individuals lost in love with each other... and she wept.

She wept because she didn't know what to do next.

She wept because despite all that Kosi had done, she loved him with all her heart and wanted him back in her life. But she knew, that their life had gotten so much more complicated than she would have cared for and nothing would ever be the same again.

Eva wept mostly because she wasn't sure if her marriage could be fixed and that scared her.

So she remained there, a little while longer, staring off at the waves and decided not to think but to enjoy the gentle breeze even if it's for this very moment. After this moment, then she'll face the realities of the present and somehow gather strength for the future... with or without Kosi.


Just a few tables away, Benjamin sat quietly, observing Eva. He had told her she needs to confront Ebuka alone but he followed just to be sure everything went well. There were moments he noticed tensions were high and wanted to step in but watching Ebuka walk away, leaving Eva alone at the table, made him hope it went well.

He was able to catch a glimpse of the man that had put Eva through all this turmoil as he walked passed him towards the exit and snorted his face in disgust at the overly confident and proud aura he exuded.

'Tch. No one should be that handsome.' He admitted in annoyance.

Benjamin stood up from his seat, casually walking towards Eva when he paused, noticing something was wrong. Eva's face was down and he could hear her soft sobs escaping her lips. Thankful for the fact that she hadn't seen him yet, Benjamin turned back and walked briskly to resume his seat by the exit.

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