38. A Difficult Situation

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They say 'Almost cannot kill a bird.' But could it possibly save a marriage?

Kosi's heart was beating erratically in his chest.

What's going on? Did Hope just confess that she has always had feelings for me? That she still does? Shit! This complicates everything. What am I going to do? His mind raced.

'When we first had sex, you were an emotional ball of pent-up energy. What do you say we try this again, but this time, slow.'

Her lips were a hair's breadth away from Kosi's. His eyes quickly glanced down at them before tearing his eyes away from them.

'Hope, please, I can't do this to Eva. Not again. I'm... I'm trying to make amends for my past mistakes. For cheating on her.'

Kosi pleaded as he gently pushed Hope away but she only gripped him tighter, pressing her body against his.

'Come on, Kosi. Kay. We both know what we have isn't just on the surface. It's deeper than that. We are...'

'Just friends.'

Kosi stated, trying to extricate himself from Hope's hold.

'Turned lovers.' She finished.

'Hope please.'

'Please what?' Hope continued, watching and enjoying the way Kosi struggled against his urges. 'You want me to touch you there....?'

Kosi gasped as he felt Hope's hand fiddle with the band of his sweatpants.


Hope smiled.

'I can do that. Just relax.'

Kosi stood still as Hope slowly slipped her hands under his shirt. The feel of her skin lightly touching his tantalized his senses. He felt her hands on his waist as they went lower and lower...

Immediately, Kosi pulled Hope to himself, halting the downward movement of her hands. Surprised, she gasped in delight as Kosi lifted her up off the floor and threw her unceremoniously on his bed.

Hope laughed giddily as she bounced on the bed, her arms outstretched, waiting for Kosi to join her but he didn't. He just stood at the foot of the bed watching her.

'What are you doing? Come join me.'

But Kosi said nothing. Releasing a sigh, he sat down on the bed, his back to her.

'Kay, come on. Let me help you forget.'

Hope said as she moved closer to Kosi.

'That's what landed me in trouble in the first place. I wanted to forget.' He said regretfully. His hands were supporting the weight of his head.

Hope hugged him from behind while kissing his neck.


She ignored him and continued peppering kisses down his neck, her hands going under his shirt to his chest.

'Damn it Hope! Stop!'

Surprised at his outburst, she finally stopped and removed her hands that were assaulting the skin under his shirt. Kosi turned to look at Hope, his eyes were filled with pain.

'Hope, I can't. I just can't. I love Eva too damn much to hurt her again. Especially after everything I've said and done to her.'

'But Kosi, Kay...'

'No. Hope, listen to me. I'm flattered that you've thought about me this way for years but there's nothing that can be done about it. I love and I'm still in love with Eva. I've loved her from the very first day I met her.'

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