29. A Twist of Fate

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How far are you willing to go in order to get what your heart deeply desires?

After waiting an entire day, Hope stood outside Kosi's house. He wasn't picking her calls and she wanted to speak with him. For the most part, she genuinely wanted to know how he was doing. If by doing so she found out whether or not Kosi was still clueless about her deal with Ebuka then that's fine.

Letting out a deep sigh, she tried knocking again.

'Kosi ooo! Come and open the door!'

There was still no answer. Just as she's about to leave, the door opened to reveal a disheveled looking Kosi.


Kosi grunted when he looked at Hope and turned back into the house leaving the door open for Hope to come in. Hope entered and locked the door behind her.

'Ok! He didn't slam the door in my face. That's a good sign. Seems Ebuka kept his word... so far at least.'


She had to walk quickly to catch up with Kosi who was already heading back into his bedroom.

'Are you okay? You seem so depressed. What is wrong?'

Without a word, Kosi glanced at his already opened bedroom door and then at Hope. They both had the same thought as Kosi closed the door and collapsed on the parlour couch. Hope allowed him a few seconds before joining him.

'Kosi you... What the heck is that smell?!'

Hope got up from the couch, her nose in the air as she tried to locate the cause of the stench. Her eyes widened in triumph as she realised the smell came from the kitchen. Without thinking, she rushed to open the door and immediately closed it in horror when she saw the state it was in.

'Kay! Did something or someone die in your kitchen? It smells like there's a rotting corpse in there.'

Kosi scoffed.

'How the heck would you know how that smells?'

'Cause I do! Dude, I know you're sad and depressed about your wife but this...' she says pointing to the kitchen. '...is the beginning of a genetic mutation. I have seen those movies, and they never end well!'

'Ouch. Hurt my feelings why don't you.'

'Honey, the stench emanating from that kitchen killed whatever empathy I had for you.'

Kosi smiled as Hope rejoined him on the couch.

'I've missed you.'

Kosi didn't reply.

'I'm sorry about that night. I don't know what I was thinking. The whole you, Eva and that Ebuka guy situation just pissed me off. We've been friends for so long it upset me that Eva was playing you like that and then being with you... I just... and... urghhh.'

Hope released a deep sigh and cradled her head in her palms.

'This sounded so much better in my head.'

Then she turned to Kosi.

'Please say something. You're too quiet.'

Kosi released a deep sigh.

'I've missed you too.'

Hope reached out to hug Kosi and he let her.

'Now that we have hugged it out and made up can you please do something about that horror movie waiting to happen that you call your kitchen?!'

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