40. Benjamin

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Sometimes help comes from the strangest of places and the most unexpected of persons.

Eva cried all the way from her house to Doctor Audu's house. She had called him the moment she went inside her room teary eyed about needing a place to stay and asked him if his guest house was still available. Without asking too many questions, Doctor Audu sent her the address of his house.

She wiped her tears the moment she got to the gate, and attempted to put on a smiling face as she gave her name to the security guard. It seems Doctor Audu had already told the him that she was on her way. As the Uber driver drove into the compound and parked, she heard the sound of a door opening and came down from the car to see a younger version of Doctor Audu. For a brief second she wondered if Doctor Audu had made a breakthrough in medicine and discovered an age reversal medicine. Just as this thought crossed her mind, Doctor Audu stepped out of the door.

'What?' Eva asked, confused.

Doctor Audu chuckled and went over to hug Eva before paying the Uber driver.

'Is your bag in the boot?'

Eva only nodded as she watched younger Doctor Audu walk over to the car and open the boot. Not wanting to impose, she had packed only a medium sized bag. Right now, she was glad she did.

She watched younger Doctor Audu as he took out her bag with ease and set it on the ground. He was tall, really tall and from his toned legs and arms, fit too.

'Allow me to introduce you to my son, Benjamin.'

Eva smiled, 'Hello, I'm...'

'My father's patient who has been stressing him lately.'

'Former patient.' Doctor Audu added when he noticed Eva's smile slowly turn into a frown. 'And Eva hasn't been stressing me.'

Benjamin just rolled his eyes and Eva's bag into the house.

She stared at his retreating back and waited till he had closed the door after him before she spoke.

'I didn't know you had a son.'

'We didn't really discuss my life while you were in the hospital.' He chuckled when he noticed Eva's uncomfortable expression. 'It's fine. I enjoyed our conversations and I'm happy to help you in whatever way that I can.'

Eva smiled then frowned again.

'Did I do something wrong? It seems like your son doesn't like me.'

Doctor Audu laughed. 'Don't mind him. He's being overprotective because he thinks i've been overworking myself.'

Before Eva could ask any more questions, Doctor Audu ushered her into his home.

Doctor Audu was nice to Eva. She rejected his offer to have lunch saying she ate before coming and instead excused herself to rest in the guest house. As Doctor Audu stood up to show her to and around the guest house, Benjamin spoke for the first time since she entered the house.

'Don't worry Dad, let me show her around.'

Doctor Audu was a bit apprehensive but decided to let it go when he noticed the look in his son's eyes. He only nodded his head in acceptance and climbed the staircase.

Eva followed Doctor Audu with her eyes as he climbed the staircase, a feeling of loneliness expressed on her face. Benjamin noticed it and said nothing.

'I've taken your bag there already, you can come with me to see where you'll be sleeping.'

Without waiting for a response from her, he turned and walked out of the house through the back door. Eva hurried after him.

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