25. Blank

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There are times when the most unfortunate events turns into an interesting blessing, one that helps put everything into perspective.

Ebuka rested his head on Eva's bed. His hands loosely holding hers and lost in thought when he felt a slight jerk. His head shot up in surprise as he stared into Eva's open eyes.

'Eva?' Ebuka asked softly, his gaze was fixed on a confused Eva.

'Doctor! Nurse! Anyone?!' Ebuka yelled as he stood up from his seat and walked briskly out of the hospital room.

Kosi was hunched over on the bench outside, when he saw Ebuka walk passed him in a hurry. He quickly got up and entered the room fearing the worst.


He entered cautiously, his mind running in different directions but every thought went out the window when he caught Eva's eyes on him.

Eva. My Eva. She's awake!

Kosi said to himself as he slowly walked up to her, his eyes twinkling with unshed tears as he held her face in his palms.

'Baby. Sweetheart. You scared me. I... I thought I was going to lose you.'

The words tumbled out of him in a choked whisper as he carelessly reached for the empty seat formerly occupied by Ebuka. His hands were latched unto Eva's like a lifeline.

'Who are you?'

Her words caught him off guard and her actions surprised him as Eva gently but firmly removed her hand from his grip. Before he could react, Ebuka walked in with a nurse.

'Sir, I'll need you to excuse me while I check on her.' Then he turned to face Ebuka. 'You can both wait outside. I'll let you know when to come in.'

Reluctantly, they both left the hospital room to wait outside. Ebuka sat calmly on the bench in the corridor, his legs crossed while Kosi paced, unable to sit. He kept replaying Eva's words in his head.

'I must have not heard her correctly. It has to be a mistake.' He mumbled to himself.

Ebuka spared a glance at Kosi, seeing him mumbling to himself and pacing the corridor and shook his head.

A few minutes later, the nurse walked out of the room to join them outside.

'Everything seems normal...'

'No! Everything is NOT normal!' Kosi screamed.

'Sir, can you calm down and explain what you mean?' The nurse asked, surprised at Kosi's outburst. Ebuka on the other hand, remained quiet, watching Kosi.

'She... she...' Kosi stuttered as he tried to get the words out. 'She doesn't remember me.'

'What? What do you mean?' Ebuka asked in wonder.

'Because she looked me dead in the eyes and asked me who I am!'

The nurse nodded his head and turned towards Eva's room door as if he could see right through it.

'Well, her vitals are fine. We can't run any tests at the moment but once the doctor comes in he will take a look at her.'

The nurse noticed the dejected look on Kosi's face and tried to encourage him.

'Don't worry, if you say she can't remember you then it's most likely temporary amnesia. There's nothing we can do for now but wait until the doctor comes in.' He turned to face Ebuka before continuing. 'You both need a goodnight's rest. I'll check in on her by the hour while you both sleep.'

Kosi mumbled his acceptance but Ebuka was silent. This piece of information came as a shock to him. Without saying another word, the nurse left them both in the corridor.

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