35. Discussions

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Nothing stings worse than the betrayal of a person you hold dear and nothing annoys more than the hypocrisy of a person you once held in high esteem.

When Eva finally came to, she was alone in her hospital room with Doctor Audu.

'Mmm... Doctor?' Eva murmured, still a bit groggy.

Doctor Audu who was standing by the window left it to stand by her bedside.

'I see you're awake... and finally calm.' He said with a smile.

Eva yawned loudly, her eyes that were half closed suddenly flew open in realization as she quickly scanned the room.

'Where is everyone? Kosi?'

'Wherever they're supposed to be at....' he turned his wrist to check the time. '... 9:37pm in the night. After you kicked them out.' He added with a chuckle.

'Oh!' Eva gasped as she sat up and looked out the window, finally noticing it was dark outside.

'Then what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home too?'

The concern he heard in her voice made him smile. He pulled up a chair closer to Eva's bed and sat down.

'I'm on duty tonight. Also,' he added patting Eva's arm, 'I didn't want my favorite patient to wake up by herself after the very heated conversation she had just before going under.'

Eva relaxed on the bed with a deep sigh.

'I remember everything.'

Doctor Audu nodded his head as if deep in thought.

'Yes. Seeing your reaction to Kosi clued me in.'

Eva sighed again.

'It happened while I was talking to Ebuka. I can't believe he's been lying to me all along.'

Eva scrubbed her face with her right hand which was free of the intravenous drip.

'He sat right there, where you're sitting right now, holding my arm, touching me, kissing me! Lying to me! Making me believe that we were engaged to be married!'

Eva choked at that last part. Doctor Audu squeezed her hand to reassure and give her whatever strength he could before removing it. Eva smiled at him, grateful for the gesture.

'It was important that you have someone you knew by your side. Familiarity could trigger your memory and also help you feel safe. I had no idea he was taking advantage of that privilege.'

Eva shook her head.

'There is no way you would have known.' She sighed. 'Do you know he proposed to me? Again. According to him.' She rolled her eyes. 'He said because I didn't remember he wanted to do it again so it'll be special.'

Doctor Audu's eyes widened in surprise.

'He really seems... obsessed with you.'

Eva laughed without mirth.

'Obsessed being the key word.'

They were silent for a while. A comfortable silence which none wanted to break. Doctor Audu was an interestingly easy person to hold a conversation with.

'I don't know what to do.'

Eva's words broke Doctor Audu from his reverie.


'About Kosi and Hope.'

She closed her eyes as the events of the day played in her head.

'I don't know what to do with everything that I heard today. It's... it's all just so much so soon.'

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