32. Forgotten Memories

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There are times where we put ourselves in situations. Difficult situations. And then we try as hard as possible to avoid the consequences but then, we have to understand that running away from a problem never completely solves it.

Ebuka used his teeth to gently nibble on Eva's lips, the sensation caused her to shiver. She opened her mouth and allowed Ebuka to deepen the kiss. Enjoying the feel of his lips on hers.

Eva's arms encircled Ebuka's neck, silently tugging him to her and he obliged, pressing his body to hers as if wanting to mold himself to her. His lips momentarily left hers to trail kisses down her neck. Eva's head fell backwards, caught up in the moment. Wanting more, desiring more.

Ebuka kissed his way down to her chest and then back up to her cheeks before settling on her lips. Eva's eyes were closed, her senses lost to everything but the person whose hands and lips were on hers. Sensing this, Ebuka leaned into Eva's ear, his soft breath against her ear threw her senses into overdrive.

'I can't wait to finally have you in my bed.'

It was a whisper of promise. Surety. Confidence about what is to come. And that's when it happened, a strong pain at the back of Eva's head. She pushed Ebuka away unconsciously with one hand while touching the back of her head with the other.

'Eva? Eva what's wrong?'

But Eva couldn't hear him as flashes of a life forgotten quickly blinked through her mind as well as a face. A face that wasn't Ebuka's.

'Are you okay? Should I call Doctor Audu?'

Eva rested her head on her pillow and looked up at the ceiling. She closed her eyes, trying to process the memories crashing around in her mind.


Ebuka's hand on her arm brought her out of her thoughts and she stared at him.

'Eva talk to me. Do I need to call Doctor Audu? Is everything fine? Are you ok?'

'I'm... fine. I'm perfectly alright.'

Ebuka looked at Eva a bit sceptical.

'I should call him just in case.'

He got up from the seat beside Eva's bed and started heading towards the door.

'Why did you lie to me?'


Ebuka stopped. He was already halfway to the door. He quickly walked back to the seat he just left.

'I am asking why you lied to me.'

Ebuka was taken aback. He furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at Eva. Confusion etched on his face.

'Eva what are you saying? You're not making any sen...'

'Don't. Just don't.'


Ebuka began, as he reached out to grab Eva's hand but she jerked away from his. Disgust written all over her face.

'Don't you dare! Don't you dare touch me!'

'Eva. You're not making any sense.' Ebuka said, trying to grab her hands. 'You're not feeling well. I'm sure Doctor Audu will... '

Eva snatched her hand away from Ebuka's grasp.

'You fucking liar! I remember! I remember everything!'

Ebuka shrunk back from Eva, his expression unreadable.

'Why? Ebuka, why did you try so hard to break up my marriage with Kosi? Do you hate me that much? Is that how desperately you want to see me hurt?'

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