31. Res Ipsa Loquitur

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In law, there's something we call; Res Ipsa Loquitur , which means, the facts speak for themselves.

'Ok! I think I have everything I need.'

Hope turned at the sound of Kosi's voice and her jaw dropped in surprise. In Kosi's right hand was a bag which contained a beautiful off white wedding gown wrapped in a plastic bag and a bouquet of artificial pink and white roses. In his left hand, a bag containing a large photo album with a picture of himself and Eva -a wide smile on their faces- plastered in front of it.

'Oh wow.' Hope said in shock.

Kosi looked at the items in his hands and then at Hope. 'Too much?'

Hope started shaking her head but quickly changed to a nod. 'Uhm... a bit... a lot. We want her to believe that you're her husband not think you're obsessed or something.' she replied moving closer to him. She picked up the photo album and gave a tight smile. 'I think the photo album is enough proof. You can leave the rest behind.'

Kosi threw Hope an unsure expression but she dropped the photo album on the dining table before calmly placing her hand on his shoulder. She slid her hand down to his hands that were still clutching onto the wedding memorabilias. Releasing a sigh, Kosi allowed Hope to take the items from him and place them on the floor.

'Kosi, I understand you're pumped and desperately want to prove to Eva that she's your wife. But rushing into her hospital room with all this stuff will only overwhelm her.'

He scratched his head before walking away from Hope towards the sofa. He allowed himself to drop onto the sofa, closed his eyes and relaxed his head on the headrest.

'I know you're right. You're absolutely right.' He began after a short pause. 'It's just that... I...'

Kosi scrubbed his face with his hand in frustration before getting up from the sofa.

'Seeing Ebuka... seeing him kiss... urghhh!'

He got up and began pacing the parlour. Hope watched him quietly.

'I just really want her to remember me you know... it's hard. It's painful watching the person you love, that you've spent years of your life knowing, look at you like you're a stranger.'

Hope bent her head a hint of a smile on her face before masking it with a straight face.

Kosi stopped pacing and stared right at Hope. For a moment, Hope was worried that Kosi noticed the smile that was on her face and opened her mouth in a panic to explain why when he spoke.

'And when I tried to approach her she moved away from me. She was scared. Of me! I made her scared!'

He threw his hands in the air and walked towards the parlour door. Hope calmly let out the breath she didn't realise she was holding till that moment. Kosi finally turned around and walked straight to Hope, facing her. The look in his eyes was wild.

'That's why... that's why I have to prove to her. To make her remember me. I want her to know and understand the levels I'll go for her. How much I love her and how deeply she affects me. I want her to know and understand that.'

Hope stared into Kosi's eyes, the way Kosi spoke about Eva made her chest heavy. She turned away from him.

'Yeah.' Her voice came out shaky at first. 'Yeah.' She repeated with more force than she intended to. 'You're right. And I completely understand.' Then she plastered on a bright smile. 'I'm here to support you. After all, what are friends for?'

Kosi caught Hope off guard by pulling her into a deep hug.

'Thanks Hope. Thank you so much. You've been nothing but good to me even when I've been a whiny bitch and a horrible friend.'

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