2. The Meeting

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I find it uncanny that we are able to look back and pinpoint the exact moment in time when everything in our lives turned to shit.

'In this time and age some people don't even know how to use their ATM cards. Mtcheeeeew.' 

Eva hissed, her arms folded as she stood on the long queue at the FirstBank ATM. She had been on the queue for the past thirty minutes, owing to the fact that the other ATM machine which was working perfectly, suddenly decided to develop network issues just when it was her turn to withdraw.

Unsurprisingly, Everyone on that queue had rushed to the only other functioning ATM machine, delaying her further since she had to secure another position on the already long queue. 

'Abeg someone should help her if she doesn't know how to use her card! Some of us here have more important things to do today!' 

There were murmurs of approval from other people on the queue as Eva voiced her annoyance. The elderly woman whose turn it was to withdraw completely ignored her and kept squinting at the screen, trying to figure out how to operate the machine. Eva impatiently checked the time on her watch and noticed it was already 3:30pm. 

'Abeg abeg abeg! I can't continue waiting. I still have piles of documents to sort through before close of work today.' Eva mumbled to herself as she turned to leave.

In her annoyance, she moved without looking and accidentally bumped into someone, causing her to immediately lose her balance. Strong arms grabbed her shoulders in an attempt to steady her. 

'Oh God! Can't I catch a break today?! I'm just so...' she trailed off when she finally looked into the face of the man who steadied her.

He had a distinct face. Thick eyebrows which naturally arched, soft eyes and lashes that any lady would envy. His nose fit perfectly on his face, a strong chin made prominent by pinkish bottom lips. His black hair was a bit overgrown but it somehow made him look more handsome against his sun kissed brown skin. 

'Are you alright?' 

His voice surprised her. A deep baritone that made her heart jump.   'Uhm... yeah. I... uhhh...' 

Eva stepped away from his embrace. Shocked at how he made her feel and her loss for words. She looked down, refusing to allow him see the way he affected her. 

'Eva? Eva Chukwu is that you?' 

Nobody had called her Chukwu in years. Surprised, she looked at his face once more and recognition set in. 

'Oh my God! Chukwuebuka! Chukwuebuka Ejiofor! Oh my gosh! It's been so long!'

She immediately threw her arms around him. Initial uneasiness replaced with happy longing.

'Fifteen years but who's counting?' He replied. Eva laughed.

'How have you been? Where have you been? We really need to catch up.'

'I feel the exact same way. Are you done with what you came here for?' He asked. Glancing at the queue.

'Well, not really. I just got tired and was about leaving when I literally bumped into you.' She admitted laughing.

'What about you?'

'I was rushing to pay in some money before the bank closed but seeing you now, I can see God had other plans for me today.' 

The smile on his face was slow and sweet. She was forced to look away. 

'If you're not in too much of a hurry, I know a nice and quiet restaurant not too far from here. We can catch up and have lunch.' 

Eva thought about all the documents waiting for her to read at the office and without giving it too much thought, made her decision. 

'Sure. Let's go.' 

With a hand placed casually on her back, Chukwuebuka led Eva to his Bentley bentayga parked not too far off. The sight of the car alone made Eva shiver.

They got to Radisson Blu at Victoria Island. Chukwuebuka parked his car at the car park and casually placed his palm on the small of her back, gently leading her through the hotel lobby to the back of the hotel.

The first thing that struck Eva was the view. It had a beautiful view of the sea and a swimming pool positioned at its edge. She didn't realise how long she had been gazing at the view until he whispered in her ear, 'Beautiful isn't it?' 

She turned towards him and was surprised at how close his face was to hers. Feeling a bit uneasy, she laughed shakily, taking a step back she replied, 'It truly is.'

Saying nothing more, Chukwuebuka led her to a table near the pool. He signalled for the waiter, ordered drinks for them and focused his attention once more on her. 

'Dearest Eva, I'm dying to know what you've been up to these past fifteen years.'

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