41. An Open Wound

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When the dam bursts and the floodgates are opened, comfort and understanding are like a salve on an open wound. 

Benjamin just stared at Eva in confusion.

'Eva calm down. Please, you're not making any sense.'

Eva just kept crying and not knowing what else to do, Benjamin stood up from the couch to sit next to her. He cautiously placed his arm around her hunched shoulders and when she didn't shrug him off, he pulled her into his chest allowing her to cry.

'It's okay. Everything will be okay.' He cooed.

He continued this while rubbing her back until Eva's sobs quietened. Benjamin looked down to see Eva facing forward, remnants of tears still in her eyes.

'Are you okay?'

Eva pushed up off of Benjamin's lap.

'Yes I'm fine. Thank you.' she replied, turning away from him.

'I'm sorry for breaking down like that. It's just been a really difficult month for me.'

'No. Eva, you have nothing to apologise for.' Benjamin said softly. 'I know it's none of my business but I'm worried about your mental health. Could you please tell me what is wrong?'

She didn't utter a word in response.


Still nothing. Benjamin sighed.

'I know we didn't start out on the best of terms but I'm hoping that you could give me the chance to be your friend.' Benjamin said as he stood up from the couch. 'If you're sure you'll be ok, I'll see myself out.'

He was on his way to the door when Eva's phone started ringing. The look on Eva's face made him stop.


It was almost like she was in a different place. She suddenly became stiff as she stared directly at her phone, her arms shaking. Benjamin turned his attention to her phone and saw a single name as the caller, Ebuka.

The phone kept ringing for a few seconds more before the call ended. Benjamin moved closer to Eva, 'Eva?' He called but she didn't answer. He sat down beside her and put his arms around her shoulders. Her skin felt cold. He turned her face towards him but she was looking through him. He called out to her loudly, 'Eva! Snap out of it!' Eva blinked once and then twice before her eyes finally settled on him.

'Benjamin?' She glanced at her phone but Benjamin held her chin and pulled her face towards his. 'No. Look at me.' Eva stared at Benjamin, hint of tears in her eyes. 'Ebuka.' She cried.

'Is Ebuka your husband?'

Eva's face twisted in disgust and Benjamin took that as a no. Benjamin let go of Eva's chin and released a sigh.

'Could you please tell me what's going on? I want to help but I feel helpless. It's not a feeling I'm comfortable with since it's my job to help people.' He added with a small smile. Eva turned her face away and then turned back to face him, a sad smile on her lips.

'Ebuka is my former classmate. He's the one that helped create a rift between me and my husband, Kosi.'

Eva looked away from him. Benjamin watched Eva carefully, noting how her hands balled into fists and then released. Whoever this Ebuka is, she seems to habour a lot of emotion towards him.


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