14. Worry

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In everything we do our choices matter. They play a major role in determining who we are and what we can or cannot do. When placed in a tight corner do you break down or break away?

'Hey babe. This one you came back late, seems you were really busy.' Kosi said as he opened the door for Eva.

He stopped for a moment, taking in her puffy eyes and sad look.

'What's wrong?' He asked cupping her cheeks and turning her face to look at his but she continued to avert his gaze.

'Did something happen at work?'

'No.' She answered, pushing his hands away. 'It's just... the stress of this case I'm working on.' She began, closing the door and walking into the house. 'You remember that shipping case?' Without waiting for him to answer, she carried on. 'You would think that two huge ships with all their hi-tech systems would be able to avoid a collision but nooo not this one. I mean, what's the point of a navigation system if you don't use it...'

Kosi just stared after her as she kept walking and talking.

'... and the Captain! Don't even get me started on him.'

'What happened to him?'

'Exactly! I don't know cause he can't be reached! I'm beginning to think he's purposefully avoiding having a conversation with me.'

She was quiet as she entered their bedroom to change and emerged few minutes later wearing a T-shirt and bare feet. Her hands were busy pushing massive amounts of hair into a hairnet.

'I could say the same about you.' Kosi stated, his arms crossed. He was leaning against the couch.

'What do you mean?'

'You've been going on and on about this case, all the while avoiding having an actual conversation with me about what's troubling you?'

Eva stopped moving for the first time she entered the house, looked Kosi dead in the eye and answered, 'I'm fine.'

'Then why are your eyes puffy?'

'I've been combing through contract agreements of about 300 pages each, looking for the slightest mistake to hang my case on. I'm surprised they aren't swollen!'

Kosi said nothing more as he watched her head into the kitchen to take her dinner.



'Sir, please, I want to be removed from this case.'

Mr. Adetonye who was jotting down some points from his laptop stopped to look at Eva.

'And why should I do that?'

'I... I am not in the right frame of mind to give this case the attention it deserves.'

Mr. Adetonye took off his glasses.

'You've gone mad?'

Eva laughed despite her nervousness. The one thing she had always appreciated about her boss was his sense of humour.

Mr. Adetonye was a tall and lanky man. Grey hairs were scattered all over his head betraying his 60 plus years which in turn, hid his fit body. Despite being a SAN (Senior Advocate of Nigeria), a Masters degree holder in Criminology, Maritime and International Law and a PHD holder in Cyber law, he was a very humble and understanding man. Who truly cared for the lawyers employed by him. Today, Eva decided to lean on that understanding side of him.

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