48. Heart to Heart

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Forgiveness is a two way street; it heals the forgiver and the forgiven.
Kosi stretched out his hand towards Eva's face and placed it gently on her cheeks. She raised her head and stared at him. They remained that way for a few seconds, not saying anything just looking at each other. It was as though they could both recall the months of pain they had experienced at each other's hands as well as the happy memories. Each memory, painful or happy, was reflected in their eyes.

'Eva... please say something.'

Eva remained quiet as the tears kept streaming down her face but this time, she wasn't looking away from Kosi, her eyes were fixed on him.


When she still didn't respond, he took his hand away from her cheeks and moved away from her. He sat on the floor and buried his hands in his face and began laughing hysterically.

'I should have known. I'm such a fool!'

Kosi immediately stood up from the floor, walked to the window on the other side of the wall, stood there for a few seconds and walked back to where Eva sat. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it and shook his head. He walked back to the window and remained there. After what seemed like hours but was a few minutes, Kosi left his position by the window and walked to where Eva was on the floor. He bent down until he was the same level with her and placed his hands in hers.

'Come on, if you remain that way you'll have cramps.'

Eva allowed Kosi to guide her to the couch. When they were both seated, he said, 'I've said a lot this evening and I know you'll have to process everything I've said.' Kosi let out a deep breath before continuing. 'I don't want to pressure you or overwhelm you Eva. Since you aren't ready to talk to me, I'll just go.'

Then he let go of her hand and stood up from the couch.

'Thank you so much for allowing me into your safe space and for listening to me. I truly appreciate it. And if it's okay with you, I would like to come visit you more often but only if you are okay with it.'

Eva's head was bent as he spoke. She said nothing in response. Kosi breathed out deeply, looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes before heading for the door.

'Goodnight Eva.'


Doctor Audu watched from his bedroom window as Kosi entered the driver's seat of his car and rested his head on his steering wheel. He closed the curtain of his bedroom window and turned his attention to the Investigation Discovery channel on the Television but his ears were listening for the gate to know when he would leave. Several minutes later, he goes back to the window and notices Kosi has not moved. His head was still resting on his steering wheel. He sighed and turned to wear his slippers when he caught sight of a figure heading towards Kosi's car. Doctor Audu smiled to himself, left his bedroom window and went back to watching Investigation Discovery.


'Hey, do you mind if I join you?'

Kosi looked up from his steering wheel to see Benjamin watching him through the passenger's window. Without waiting for a response, Benjamin opened the door and joined him inside. Neither of them said anything for a while before Benjamin spoke.

'I saw you sitting alone in your car and was wondering if you needed company.'

Benjamin raised his hand to show a bottle of Kagor wine and two glasses. There was a mischievous smile on his face. Kosi glanced between Benjamin and the bottle of wine and laughed. A laughter that reached his eyes as he let go of the steering wheel and rested his head on the driver's seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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