39. Queen

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I've come to realize how life is never just black and white but a kaleidoscope of colours of varying shades. Things are rarely ever as simple as you may think.

Kosi just stared at Eva. He didn't know what to say or how to begin. Eva's face, on the other hand, seemed calm and collected. She marched straight to Kosi, put her arms around him and kissed him.

At first Kosi was startled. He couldn't understand what was going on or why Eva was kissing him but after a while, he sank into the kiss, deepening it as his arms went around her waist. Eva took it a step further, she wrapped her legs around Kosi forcing him to support her with his hands. He carried her towards the wall, using it as support as Eva peppered kisses around his neck before taking his earlobes between her teeth. Kosi shuddered.


Kosi gasped her name. It sounded like a whisper on his lips. Eva threw her head back, exposing her neck as Kosi assaulted it with his teeth, tongue and lips.

'Baby... Kosi... we can't. Not here...'


Kosi's mind felt like it was slowly being dragged out of a haze.

'Why not?' He asked, nuzzling her neck.

'We have company.'

Realization dawned on him and he gently released Eva's legs from his hold, holding her in place with his hands until her legs touched the ground.

'Eva, I know how it looks...'

Eva raised a hand to silence him and Kosi obeyed. Too scared to find out what Eva would have done if he hadn't.

Calmly, she walked straight to Hope who was still standing in the room, partially clothed now and said, 'Get out.'

Two words said without anger but they held as much force as a storm. Hope quickly picked her remaining clothes and rushed towards the door. Eva turned to face her just before she opened the door to leave.

'And the next time I see your shadow near my house or my man, I will beat you like a child.'

Without turning back, Hope walked briskly out of the room and out of the house.

Both Eva and Kosi remained silent for several seconds as they stood, just a few feet away from each other. The room wasn't that large but in that moment, Kosi felt like Eva was on another planet.


'Don't. Just don't.'

Eva said, her eyes narrowed to form slits. She turned away from him and walked out of the room. Kosi followed quickly behind.

'Eva please. I know what it looked like.'

Then she stopped suddenly to face him.

'Oh, you do?! It didn't seem that way to me when I saw you in our bedroom with your almost naked best friend!'

Kosi visibly cringed at her words. He breathed out deeply, his eyes pleading.

'I've been an idiot.'

'You think?!'

He let out a sigh, 'Eva, baby, can we please talk? Please.' He added when it didn't seem like she would agree.

Eva said nothing for a few seconds before finally answering, 'You're lucky I overhead you through the door refusing her advances.'

Kosi's eyes lit up in surprise and gratitude.

'That doesn't mean I forgive you for being an ass.'

'I'm more than grateful that you agreed to listen to me.'

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