13. Fire

189 35 14

When the Pied Piper plays his tune, the rats followed and drowned in the Weser.
When the Pied Piper played his tune again, the children followed and suffered the same fate.

Knock knock

'Come in.' Eva answered.

Her office table was littered by numerous documents, an open Black's law dictionary and a notepad. She was bent over the Charter Party agreement between Ebuka and the Shipping Company, searching for any clause that could be used to strengthen their case. Little tendrils of hair which had escaped from the bun on her head, fell about her face. Her left hand held the dictionary open while her right hand clasped a pen hovering over her notepad.

'Just find a space and drop the food there.' She said absently.

'...and over here we have the dedicated lawyer in her natural habitat.'

Eva's head jerked up, her neck made a creaking sound and she groaned in pain as she gently massaged it. Ebuka slowly entered the office, watching her before leaning on the door. There was a soft click that went unnoticed by Eva.

'Our meeting is scheduled for 2:00pm. Aren't you a bit early?'

'Check the time dear.'

'Oh my... two thirty?! Jeez!' She screamed.

'Seems I've kept you really busy.' He said calmly taking a seat.

'It's my job.' Eva replied tilting her face to showcase a mock smile, sharp pain resonated around neck. She squeezed her eyes shut.

Ebuka got up from his seat at the sight of Eva in pain and walked to stand behind her.

'It seems you always injure yourself when I'm around.' Ebuka stated giving a one-sided smile. 'Where does it hurt?'

'No no, don't worry. I'm...'

'If you say "fine" I'll pull on your hair.'

Eva chuckled, then winced in pain as she tilted her head to the left, stretching the right side of her neck.

'Here right?' Ebuka asked. Eva simply hummed in agreement. She was too scared to move her neck for fear of making it worse.

The feel of Ebuka's hand on her neck was like a cool balm on her skin. She murmured in delight. Both his hands were on her neck now, massaging, kneading the pain away. Eva groaned in pleasure, tilting her neck a bit more. He took the liberty offered even further. His hand massaging where her scalp ended and going down to her shoulders and back. Her eyes opened in surprise at the feel of his hand under her silk blouse.

'What are you...!'

'You're neck and shoulders are stiff. Just relax. Let me ease your pain.'

Enjoying the feel of his hands against her skin, Eva allowed Ebuka to ease the stiffness out of her neck and shoulders. His hands slipped to the front of her bra making Eva gasp.

'Your skin is so soft, so smooth, so silky.'

Eva felt his breath against her ear and shuddered. She closed her eyes, willing her body not to react. Not to want him.

'Ebuka please sto... ahhh.'

The words were caught in her throat as he caressed her nipples, pleasure racking her body and muffling her senses. She jerked away from him. Shocked at his audacity and ashamed of her body's strong reaction to him.

'I need you to leave. Right now.' Eva demanded.

She got up from her seat and clutched her blouse, covering her chest.

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