42. Push in the Right Direction

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Sometimes all you need to press forward is a few words of encouragement from someone who truly cares. 

What do you mean? How did this Ebuka guy cause you to have issues with your husband?'

Benjamin asked, genuinely curious. Eva let out a deep sigh.

'It's... it's... You know what really pisses me off about everything...' Eva began, her voice becoming less timid and more bold. 'Is Kosi. That he couldn't even have a little faith in me. Just a little!.'

Eva suddenly got up from the couch and started pacing the room. Benjamin only watched her not saying a word.

'The very same night! That same night oh that he kicked me out of our home because he suspected, SUSPECTED me of cheating on him with that bastard Ebuka, he goes around and fucking sleeps with that whore he calls his best friend!' Eva let out a laugh of scorn. 'I was such a fool. To think I actually felt guilty.' She paused behind the couch, staring straight at the TV but not seeing it. Benjamin closed his eyes, already picturing what he could of the situation from what Eva was saying. 'Then Ebuka! Have I mentioned how much of a bastard he is?' She added briefly focusing on Benjamin. He only nodded once before Eva continued. 'He took advantage of the fact I had lost my memory and claimed to be my fiance.'

Her voice broke.

'What?!' Benjamin screamed in shock.

Eva went around the couch to sit on it. She moved her body slightly until she was facing Benjamin.

'Benjamin, he claimed to be my fiance. Ebuka not only tried to break up my marriage but he was willing to mess with my head while I was still in the hospital.' Her voice was a whisper. Benjamin was able to clearly hear the pain in her voice as she spoke to him. Her eyes were glassy from tears she had refused to shed. Benjamin felt pity for her.

'Your dad at first didn't really understand the situation and advised Kosi to go along with it because of my condition.'

Benjamin nodded his head vigorously in understanding slightly urging her to continue.

'And that was all the prompting Ebuka needed.' She sniffed. 'If not for the fact that I regained my memory I would have been living with that psychopath!' Eva shouted.

At that moment, Eva's phone started ringing and sure enough, it was Ebuka calling.

'What more do you want from me!' Eva screamed at the phone. 'Haven't you taken enough? I don't have anything left to give.' She said hugging herself, the tears began flowing.

In anger, Benjamin reached out to grab the phone but withdrew his hand when the phone finally stopped ringing. A message notification popped up. It was from Ebuka. Eva picked up her phone to read the message;

How long do you intend to play this game of cat

and mouse when we both know how badly you

want me?

Eva threw her phone away in disgust.

'I think you should meet him.'

Eva stared at him incredulously.

'No. That's not it. You should definitely meet him.'

'Did you not hear a word I said?' Eva cried, as she turned to face him on the couch.

'I did and believe me when I say, I'm enraged but I know his type. He will keep coming back unless you stand your ground. Let him understand how little he matters to you. Face him head on. Psyche him.'

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