28. Dealing with the Enemy

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Just as the saying goes; You can force a horse to the stream but you cannot make it drink water. You cannot force a person to change when they are not ready or willing to do so. It must come from within. A conscious decision to want and be better. 

I want to specially dedicate this chapter to dheenmah and chisom_dili  if not for your dedication towards The Affair, I probably would have left it as is. And for all those who read, vote, leave comments, I love you all and I appreciate them immensely. Reading your thoughts on this story makes me smile. Thank you and please continue reading, voting and commenting 😘.

Ebuka. I'm warning you. Stop this.'

Ebuka had an evil glint in his eyes.

'That's the best you could come up with?' he shook his head in disgust. 'You don't deserve Eva. You're so weak and pathetic I'm sure I could be fucking Eva right in front of you and you would still be unable to...'

This time, Kosi's punch connected with Ebuka's face. The force and shock caused Ebuka to stagger a bit. Kosi walked up to him, his entire body seething and shaking with anger.

'Don't you ever, ever lay your filthy hands on my wife again!'

Ebuka's shock was quickly hidden and then he laughed.

'You must be mistaken. The woman laying down in that hospital bed is my fiancé.'

Kosi's eyes darkened in absolute and pure hatred.

'Fate has given me another chance with Eva and believe me when I say that I don't intend to waste it.'

Then he looked at Kosi with pity and disgust.

'...unlike you.'

Then he turned to go back inside Eva's hospital room. As he was about to enter Kosi stopped him with his words, 'Mark my words Ebuka. I will definitely make Eva remember me. I swear it.'

Ebuka said nothing more as he opened the door to Eva's room and entered inside.


Knock knock

Ebuka didn't bother looking up to see who it was. His gaze remained focused on a sleeping Eva.

'So you really want to ruin their marriage.'

Ebuka slowly lifted his head to stare into the face of Hope.

'And you are?'


At first, there was a confused look on Ebuka's face before realization dawned on him.

'Kosi's friend?'

'Best friend.'

'Oh. Is that so?' Hope nodded. 'And from the previous conversation I had with Kosi, you double as his shrink.'

Hope said nothing in response as she quickly threw a glance at a sleeping Eva and then turned to face Ebuka.

'Can we speak outside?'

Ebuka raised an eyebrow.

'And why should I listen to you?'

'Because I can help you get what you want.' she smirked.

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