What the hell!

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"Okay so we are watching them? That's kinda creepy" Robin says as the three of them stand by the window.

"No we are going to confront them and congratulate them on their relationship" Max corrects, El nods in agreement.

"HEY!" The three of them snap their heads and look through the window where they heard the yelling.

Billy pushes Steve away and storms over to the window opening it.

"What the hell!" He yells again "Where you spying on us" he questions, face twisted with anger

"What, pfft noooo" Max says with a hint of sarcasm

"What's going on. What the hell are you guys doing here!" Steve walks over to the window staring at the three girls

"Ok ok I'll explain. Can we come in?" Max gives in

The three girls walk over to the front door and come inside "Explain, NOW" Billy yells at Max "Billy calm down" Steve soothes

"Ok ok so me and El were playing a game where we use her power to spy on people, and it landed on you Billy and we saw you two kissing" Max faking a disgusted look "so we came over to see if it was true, to see if you two really were dating" she finishes

"So what if we are why do you care" Billy practically spits at her

"Well i mean it doesn't bother me I knew that you were some kind of queer" she says as Billy looks at her with murderous eyes "really it's none of our business who you date it's totally fine" she finishes quickly

"Yeah you'll still be mama Steve even if your gay" El adds

"I'm bi actually" Steve corrects "Wait I'm not your mum who even calls me mama Steve?" He questions

"Me, Max, Dustin, Mike, Will, Lucas" El answers

"What? Never mind you kids are strange, what about you Robin what are you doing here?" Steve asks

"Well I was walking home and saw the two girls and I was wondering who would want to stalk you" she explains

"So how long have you two been together" Max asks getting a little too excited

"Shut up Max" Billy snaps at her "go home, or to hoppers or where ever you two came from"

"You too Robin" Steve adds

The three of them grumble bus leave anyway. "Hey girls" Robin says

"Hm" Max replies

"It was nice meeting you but can I ask you something?" She continues

"Of course"El says cheerfully

"Well you two are kinda close are you ya know. Together" Robin asks a little sheepishly

"Huh no we're just friends" Max answers

"Oh I see. Do you have boyfriends?" She asks

"No, I mean we did but we dumped them" Max informs her

"What happened" Robin asks as the girls decide they should probably start walking.

"Well my ex was a douche" Max says waving a dismissive hand

"Mine seemed more interested in his best friend, they spent all their time together" El shrugs

The girls get to where they must part ways, they wave goodbye and walk off inseparable directions.

"Uhhh" Max says flopping down on El's  bed "what a day"

The two of them slowly drift off to sleep curled up in each other's arms

"I can't believe they know, what if Max tells Neil?" Billy says frantically pacing

"It's fine babe just calm down I'm sure she won't" Steve try's to soothe. He stands up from where he was perched on the arm rest of the sofa and stands in Billy's way making him stop. He kisses him gently

"Come on let's finish what we started before we were so rudely interrupted" Steve rubs his thumbs gently against Billy's hips

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