Plan of action

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Robin, Steve and Dustin sit in Dustin's room with a piece of paper in between them, Robin holding a pen.

"So what's happening then?" Dustin asks "any ideas?"

"No not really" Steve shrugs (A/N this is where I realised I had no idea what was going to happen)

"You're kidding me right?! You must have a plan!" Robin shouts

"We'll maybe a few ideas, but none of them were like. Wow that's definitely the one" Steve defends

"So we're going off of nothing, great" Dustin says sarcastically

"Wait I have a few ideas" Robin says

"Thank you at least someone knows what there doing" Dustin Comments

"It has to be at your special place" Robin says

"We don't have a special place" Steve sighs

"Yes you do moron" Robin face palms. Steve thinks for a moment before finally realising where she meant.

" Oh. My. GOD. ROBIN YOUR A GEINUS" Steve exclaims "but how do I get him to go there after graduation without him questioning?" Steve asks

"Tell him you want to celebrate alone" Dustin chimes in

The three of them talk about all the details for a while making sure they know what their gonna do and writing it down.

"I don't want anyone watching" Steve admits

"Why" Dustin and Robin ask in unison

"Well in case he says no" Steve says shyly

"You're joking right?! He's definitely going to say yes, he loves you"Dustin reassures

"I know, but what if he thinks it's too early" Steve hangs his head and plays with his hands in his lap

"He won't, but we won't watch okay" Robin says

"Okay" Steve gets up and heads out the room

"We're going to watch aren't we" Dustin says

"Oh absolutely" Robin smiles

Billy and the girls were sat in El's room, Billy was on the floor while the two girls were laying on the bed plaiting (Or braiding for all u weirdos who call it that) Billy's hair.

"You girls are useless" Billy sighs

"No we are very helpful" Max disagrees

"If you were helpful I would already have a plan on how to propose to Steve" Billy sighs again

"Just ask him to take you somewhere quiet and when you get there propose" Max suggests

"That doesn't actually sound like a bad plan, but tell him to take you somewhere special" Eleven adds

"Hmm, fine I guess it'll do. But what if he asks why" Billy asks

"Tell him want to make out" Max suggests followed by lots of giggles

"That's stupid" Billy shakes his head

"No! sit stiiiiilllllll" Max complains

"Sorry" Billy mutters as he sits back how he was "nobody's allowed to watch"

"No we're watching" Max sasses

"No you're not" Billy says sternly

"Why" Max asks

"Because" Billy says

"Because what?" Eleven asks

"Because what if he says no" Billy sighs again

"Ok first, stop with all the sighing" Max starts

"And secondly he loves you, there's no way he'll say no" Eleven finishes

"You're still not watching" Billy says

"Uhhhh" Max sulks

"You won't even know where I am" Billy tells them

"We'll follow you" Max protests

"How" Billy questions

Max thinks for a second but Eleven answers for her "Nancy can take us"

"Yeah" Max agrees

"No" Billy disagrees

A/N these are just getting shorter and shorter but I will try and post tomorrow. If not I'll post next weekend. Love Y'all

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